Ensure that the required network ports are open for the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension services communication.

Table 1. Ports and Protocols Required for the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Services
Source Destination Port Protocol Description
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension AWS S3 Service, AWS Organizations Service, AWS IAM Service, and AWS Security Token Service 443 TCP Used for communication between VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and AWS services.
VMware Cloud Director cloud provider admin portal, VMware Cloud Director tenant portal, or an S3 client VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 443 TCP The public API port of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
Kubernetes cluster to be protected Docker Hub or Private Container Registry 443 TCP Used when the Kubernetes cluster pulls Velero Docker images.
Kubernetes cluster to be protected VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 443 TCP Used when the Kubernetes cluster performs a backup and restore with the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension S3 endpoint.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension VMware Cloud Director 443 TCP Used for interactions with VMware Cloud Director.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension ECS 443 TCP Used for communication between VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and the ECS Management Console .
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Cloudian HyperStore 443, 80 (optional) TCP Used for communication between VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and the Cloudian S3 Service.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension ECS 4443 TCP Used for communication between VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and the ECS Admin Service.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension ECS 4443 TCP Used for communication between VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and the ECS S3 Service.
The ose utility on the Linux machine VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 5198 TCP Used for configuring the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Keeper service (voss-keeper).
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension PostgreSQL Server 5432 TCP Used for communication between the PostgreSQL database and VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Kubernetes cluster to be protected 6443 TCP Used when VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension deploys Velero to the Kubernetes cluster.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 8091 TCP Used for the translation-related communication between the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Service Java daemon and the internal VMware internationalization protocol Java daemon.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Cloudian HyperStore 8443 TCP Used for communication between VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and the Cloudian Management Console.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Cloudian HyperStore 16443, 16080 (optional) TCP Used for communication between VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and the Cloudian IAM Service.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Cloudian HyperStore 19443 TCP Used for communication between VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and the Cloudian Admin Service.