To configure VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension with AWS, you provide the region, the secret, and the access keys of your AWS payer account.
When you configure
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension with
AWS, you establish the connection to the following
AWS services:
- Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service
- Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Security Token Service (STS)
- Organization Service
- Verify that you prepared your AWS environment for configuration with VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension. See Prepare Your AWS Environment for Configuration.
- Verify that VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension has outbound access to AWS services.
- Open an SSH connection to the machine on which you installed VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
- Configure the connection to AWS S3.
ose amazon set --region aws-payer-account-region --access-key account-access-key --secret-key account-secret-key
For example:
ose amazon set --region us-east-1 --access-key AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE --secret-key wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
- Allow the use of AWS S3.
ose platforms enable amazon
- Validate the configuration.
If all components are successfully configured, the system returns the following message:
| Name | Required | Connectivity | Detail |
| Database | Y | Normal | |
| Certificate | Y | Normal | |
| Cloud Director | Y | Normal | |
| Platform - AWS | Y | Normal | |
| AWS IAM service | Y | Normal | |
| AWS S3 service | Y | Normal | |
| AWS STS service | Y | Normal | |
| AWS Organization service | Y | Normal | |
If the system returns an error, review the log file at
- Verify the status of the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension service.
If the
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension service runs as expected, the system returns a
Running status and configuration details.
If you receive an error message, you can start the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension service in debugging mode by adding the --debug argument and troubleshoot the problem.
- Start VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension services.
- (Optional) Get configuration details.
The system returns the
AWS configuration details.