To install VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension with virtual machine deployment, deploy an installation package to a target Linux VM and use the ose command-line utility to configure VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and the external components.

For security purposes, VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension validates the complexity of all passwords. When you set passwords by using the ose command-line utility, make sure that the password contains:
  • At least eight characters
  • Minimum one uppercase character
  • Minimum one lowercase character
  • Minimum one numeric digit character
  • Minimum one non-alphanumeric character.

    Use only visible ASCII characters. Do not use space and non-printing control characters, such as BEL or NUL.

VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension performs a password validation as part of the execution of the following scripts:
  • ose cert import
  • ose director set
  • ose db set
For testing purposes, you can avoid the password validation by adding the --force argument to the script that you run.


  • Verify that your target environment and target machine meet the deployment and hardware requirements. See Requirements for deploying VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension to a Linux machine.
  • Verify that you have a dedicated database instance and a database user that has enough privileges to create tables and change schemas.
  • Verify that the installation package is uploaded to the /temp directory of the target machine.
  • Verify that you have installed Openssl on the target machine.
  • Verify that you have prepared Java 17 or later in your Linux machine.


  1. Open an SSH connection to the target machine and log in as root.
  2. Install VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension from the installation package.
    For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
    CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux
    yum install /temp/vmware-ose-v.v-nnnnnnn.el7.x86_64.rpm
    Photon OS
    rpm -ivh /temp/vmware-ose-v.v-nnnnnnn.photon.x86_64.rpm
    Ubuntu, Debian
    sudo apt-get install /temp/vmware-ose_$v.v.v-$nnnnnnnn.deb
    The VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Keeper Service starts immediately after the installation package is installed.

    If the installer does not detect the Java version, add the argument --no-dep in the CLI.

    Important: If you are deploying the installation package as part of upgrading VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension, do not perform any further command-line configuration steps. Keep the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension server running for about a minute and continue the upgrade process. See Upgrading VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.

    If you are deploying the installation package as part of a clean installation of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension, proceed to the next step.

  3. Verify that the ose command-line utility works, by running the following command:
    For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
    CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Photon OS, Oracle Linux
    ose -h
    Ubuntu, Debian
    sudo ose -h
    The system returns help information about the ose command-line utility.
  4. Import an externally signed SSL certificate.
    1. Prepare the PKCS 12 keystore with the externally signed certificate and a unique alias by running the export command.
      For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
      CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Photon OS, Oracle Linux
      openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert-file-name.cer -inkey s3.key -CAfile CA-cert-file-name.cer -passout pass:password -out PKCS-file-name.p12 -chain -name unique-cert-alias
      Ubuntu, Debian
      sudo openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert-file-name.cer -inkey s3.key -CAfile CA-cert-file-name.cer -passout pass:password -out PKCS-file-name.p12 -chain -name unique-cert-alias
      In the current example, the openssl tool is used for exporting the certificate. You can use an alternative tool.
      For example:
      openssl pkcs12 -export -in s3.cer -inkey s3.key -CAfile CA.cer -passout pass:ChangeIt! -out s3.p12 -chain -name s3
    2. Import the certificate to your PKCS12 keystore by running the import command.
      For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
      CentOS, Photon OS, Oracle Linux
      ose cert import --path path-to-keystore-file --secret 'password-of-the-keystore'
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux
      ose config import -file ph3config -secret vmware
      Ubuntu, Debian
      sudo ose cert import --path path-to-keystore-file --secret 'password-of-the-keystore'

      If the password that you enter contains a single quote character ('), run the command without the --secret argument. The system prompts you to enter the password on a new line.

      For example:
      ose cert import --path ./ose-service.p12 --secret 'ChangeIt!'
      for RPM packages or
      sudo ose cert import --path ./ose-service.p12 --secret 'ChangeIt!'
      for DEB packages.
    1. For testing purposes, instead of importing a certificate, you can generate a self-signed SSL certificate by running the following command:
      For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
      CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Photon OS, Oracle Linux
      ose cert gen --cn common-name-of-` --secret certificate-password
      Ubuntu, Debian
      sudo ose cert gen --cn common-name-of-ose-host --secret certificate-password
      For example, ose cert gen --cn
  5. Configure the database connection.
    For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
    CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Photon OS, Oracle Linux
    ose db set --url jdbc:postgresql://db_host:db_port/db_instance --user 'db-user' --secret 'db-password'
    Ubuntu, Debian
    sudo ose db set --url jdbc:postgresql://db_host:db_port/db_instance --user 'db-user' --secret 'db-password'

    If the password that you enter contains a single quote character ('), run the command without the --secret argument. The system prompts you to enter the password on a new line.

    For example:
    ose db set --url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ossdb --user oseadmin --secret 'ChangeIt!'
  6. Configure the connection to VMware Cloud Director.
    For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
    CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Photon OS, Oracle Linux

    To configure the VMware Cloud Director connection with user name and password:

    ose director set --url vcd-url --user vcd-sysadmin-user@system --secret 'vcd-sysadmin-password'

    To configure the VMware Cloud Director connection with API token:

    ose director set --url vcd-url --api-token 'vcd-sysadmin-api-token'
    Ubuntu, Debian

    To configure the VMware Cloud Director connection with user name and password:

    sudo ose director set --url vcd-url --user vcd-sysadmin-user@system --secret 'vcd-sysadmin-password'

    To configure the VMware Cloud Director connection with API token:

    sudo ose director set --url vcd-url --api-token 'vcd-sysadmin-api-token'
    Important: For the --user argument value, if you are installing VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension to a multisite VMware Cloud Director environment, make sure that the system administrator account can log in to all sites.

    The system administrator user name that you enter must be with an @system suffix.

    For example:
    ose director set --url --user vcd-admin-user@system --secret 'ChangeIt!'
    If the password you enter contains a single quote character ('), run the command without the --secret argument and the system prompts you to enter the password in a new line.
  7. Set the URL and region for the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension endpoint.
    For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
    CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Photon OS, Oracle Linux
    ose endpoint set --url=ose-host-url
    Ubuntu, Debian
    sudo ose endpoint set --url=ose-host-url

    Here, ose-host-url is the public server endpoint of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension. Typically, the public server endpoint is the HTTPS URL of the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension host on port 443. The URL becomes available after you complete the configuration and start the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension service. Make sure that the URL is open for a public access.

    If you deploy multiple instances of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension behind a load balancer, the ose-host-url must be the public FQDN of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.

  8. Install the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension user interface plug-in.
    For this Linux distribution... Use this command...
    CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Photon OS, Oracle Linux
    ose ui install
    Ubuntu, Debian
    sudo ose ui install

What to do next

Configure VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension with a Cloudian HyperStore or an ECS cluster.