Before you deploy VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension, you must prepare your environment. VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension requires specific external components of specific versions.

The following table lists the software components and the supported versions of the components that you must deploy and configure.
Required Component Supported Versions
VMware Cloud Director 10.5.1 and 10.6.0
Cloudian HyperStore If you are deploying VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension on top of Cloudian HyperStore, a cluster of at least 3 Cloudian HyperStore nodes is required.

You can configure VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension with Cloudian HyperStore versions 7.5 and 8.0.

For more information about the requirements specific to Cloudian HyperStore, see Cloudian Deployment Requirements.

Dell EMC ECS If you are deploying VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension on top of ECS, a cluster of at least 3 ECS nodes is required.

VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension supports ECS versions 3.7 and 3.8.

For more information about the requirements specific to ECS, see ECS Deployment Requirements


You can configure VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension with MinIO operator version 5.X.

For more information about the requirements specific to MinIO, see .


PostgreSQL and VMware Postgres versions 11 through 15.

  • The encoding and collation setting of the PostgreSQL database can affect the object synchronization from the storage platform. Verify that the encoding of database is UTF8, and the collation is en_US.UTF-8.

    If the locale of the OS where your Postgres database is deployed does not contain en_US.UTF-8, or you are not sure which collation method to set, you can set collation to the default value C.

  • Each VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension server node requires 90 database connections. The total required database connection count is 90 multiplied by the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension server node count. Considering a multi-node deployment, set a large max_connection count in your PostgreSQL server.

VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension requires a dedicated database instance and a database user that has sufficient privileges to create tables and change database schemas.

VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension does not require the RabbitMQ message bus for communication with VMware Cloud Director.

Make sure that the clocks of all VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and storage platform nodes are synchronized. As a best practice, you can use the same Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

Requirements for Virtual Hosted-Style S3 API Request

When you make an S3 API request, you can use path-style URI, for example https://<ose-host>/<bucket>/<object>, or https://<ose-host>/api/v1/s3/<bucket>/<object>. You can also use the virtual hosted-style URI, for example, https://<bucket>.<s3-ose-host>/<object>.

When you set the S3 API endpoint, you can use the following patterns:
  • https://<>
  • https://s3.<region-name-here>.<>
  • https://s3.<>

To support virtual hosted-style S3 API requests, make sure the hostname of your VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension instance starts with s3. and that your DNS server can route virtual hosted-style requests.

For example, the hostname of your VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension instance is To route virtual hosted-style requests, add the following hostname mapping to DNS entries:
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