To help diagnose problems, you might need to generate system and runtime information, and support bundle collections of log files.

The following table describes the contents of the support bundle:
Name Description
command.txt Text file with details about the support bundle. Contains start date, end date, and target directory for the support bundle, as defined during generation.
config.txt Text file with configuration details. The system token, passwords, and the signature and fingerprint of the SSL certificate are excluded.
log Directory that contains the following VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension logs:
  • VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Keeper Service Logs
  • Access Logs
  • Default Logs
  • System Logs
  • Organization Unit (OU) Logs
db Directory that contains the schema history and the hibernate sequence for the database.


  1. Open an SSH connection to the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension machine.
  2. To generate the support bundle, run the following command:
    ose support --start start-date --end end-date

    You can optionally append the --start and --end arguments.

    The --start argument defines the start time for the logs to be collected. The default value is 2018-01-01.

    The --end argument defines the end time for the logs to be collected. If not specified, the end date is the current date.

    For the --start and the --end arguments values, enter the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

    ose support --start 2020-03-12 --end 2020-05-24


The support bundle is generated and saved to the /opt/vmware/voss/support directory of the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension machine.