You can generate a support bundle for a specific VMware Cloud Director instance.


  1. Log in to VMware Cloud Director service.
  2. Click Cloud Director Instances.
  3. In the card of the VMware Cloud Director instance for which you want to report a problem, click Details.
    The Summary panel for the VMware Cloud Director instance opens.
  4. Click the Support panel.
  5. In the Support Bundle tab, click Generate Support Bundle.
  6. (Optional) If you have already reached out to VMware support, provide the Service Request (SR) number for your issue.
    Upon creation, the support bundle uploads to a VMware SFTP server under your SR directory.
  7. Click Generate Support Bundle.
  8. If you didn't provide an SR number, download the support bundle.
    1. On the Activity Log tab, locate the task for creating a support bundle for your VMware Cloud Director instance.
    2. Check the status of the task.
      If for some reason, the task fails, you must repeat the operation to create the support bundle.
    3. If the status of the task is displayed as Success, click the vertical ellipsis icon (Vertical ellipsis icon) and select View files.
    4. To download the support bundle, on the Files for Task: createSupportBundle page, click a .tgz file.
    The support bundle is downloaded and saved in your default browser download directory.