You can create a trusted connection between VMware Cloud Director service and VMware Cloud on AWS either during the initial setup of VMware Cloud Director service or through the Integrations tab on the left of the VMware Cloud Director service console.
If you use VMware Cloud on AWS as the underlying infrastructure for the CPU, memory, and storage resources of VMware Cloud Director service, you can facilitate the association between VMware Cloud Director instances and VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs by integrating VMware Cloud Director service with VMware Cloud on AWS.
Generate a VMware Cloud API token and save the token credentials. See How Do I Generate a VMware Cloud Director service API Token.Note: The scope of the API token must contain the Administrator and NSX Cloud Admin service roles, as well as the Developer or the Organization Owner organization role.
- Note the long organization ID for the VMware Cloud organization that contains your VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC instances.
- Log in to the VMware Cloud Director service console at
- Click your user name.
- To display the full organization ID, click View Organization .
- Log in to VMware Cloud Director service.
- If you are an enterprise customer, log in at
- If you are a CSP-SaaS partner, log in at
- Click Integrations.
- Click Add Integration.
- Select VMC on AWS and click Next.
- Enter your API token and the ID for the VMware Cloud organization that contains your VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC instances.
- Click Create VMC Integration.
VMware Cloud Director service is now integrated with VMware Cloud on AWS.