After you configure the email notification settings for your VMware Cloud Director intance, you can test the SMTP.

Note: You cannot test the SMTP settings from the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal or from the Tenant Portal because the SMTP password can't be shared. If you are using an SMTP server supported by VMware, you must test the email notification settings by using the VMware Cloud Director service UI, as described below.


Verify that you configured SMTP settings for the VMware Cloud Director instance.


  1. Log in to VMware Cloud Director service.
  2. Click Cloud Director Instances.
  3. In the card of the VMware Cloud Director instance that you want to manage, click Actions > Test SMTP Settings Configuration.
  4. Enter an email address to which to send a test notification and click Test.


If your SMTP configuration settings were implemented correctly, an email notification is sent to the test recipient.