When you run the upgrade utility, you provide the setup information at the command line as options and arguments.

The location of the upgrade utility is /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/.
Table 1. Database Upgrade Utility Options and Arguments
Option Argument Description
--backup-completed None Specifies that you have completed a backup of the VMware Cloud Director. When you include this option, the upgrade utility does not prompt you to back up the database.
--ceip-user The user name for the CEIP service account. If a user with this user name already exists in the System organization, the upgrade fails. Default: phone-home-system-account.
--enable-ceip Choose one:
  • true
  • false
Specifies whether this installation participates in the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). Defaults to true if not provided and not set to false in the current configuration. VMware's Customer Experience Improvement Program ("CEIP") provides Additional information regarding the data collected through CEIP and the purposes for which it is used by VMware is set forth in the Trust & Assurance Center at http://www.vmware.com/trustvmware/ceip.html. You can use the cell management tool to join or leave VMware's CEIP for this product at any time. See Cell Management Tool Reference.
--installer-path Full pathname to the VMware Cloud Director installation file. The installation file and the directory in which it is stored must be readable by the user vcloud.vcloud. Requires --private-key-path option.
--maintenance-cell IP address The IP address of a cell for the upgrade utility to run in maintenance mode during the upgrade. This cell enters maintenance mode before the other cells are shut down and stays in maintenance mode while the other cells are upgraded. After the other cells are upgraded and at least one of them has restarted, this cell is shut down and upgraded. Requires --private-key-path option.
--multisite-user The user name for the Multi-Site system account. This account is used by the VMware Cloud Director Multi-Site feature. If a user with this user name already exists in the System organization, the upgrade fails. Default: multisite-system-account.
--private-key-path pathname The full pathname to the cell's private key. When you use this option, all cells in the server group will be gracefully shut down, upgraded, and restarted after the database has been upgraded. See Perform an Orchestrated Upgrade of a VMware Cloud Director Installation for more information about this upgrade workflow.
--unattended-upgrade None Specifies unattended upgrade
If you use the --private-key-path option, all cells must be configured to permit ssh connections from the superuser without a password. You can use a Linux command line like the one shown here to verify this. This example sets your identity to vcloud, then makes an ssh connection to the cell at cell-ip as root but does not supply the root password.
sudo -u vcloud ssh -i private-key-path root@cell-ip
If the private key in private-key-path on the local cell is readable by user vcloud.vcloud and the corresponding public key has been added to the authorized-keys file for the root user at cell-ip the command succeeds.

The vcloud user, vcloud group, and vcloud.vcloud account are created by the VMware Cloud Director installer for use as an identity with which VMware Cloud Director processes run. The vcloud user has no password.