When you run the configure script in an interactive mode, the script prompts you for the following information.

To accept a default value, press Enter.

Table 1. Required Information During an Interactive Network and Database Configuration
Required Information Description
IP address for the HTTPS service Defaults to the first available IP address.
IP address for the console proxy service

Defaults to the first available IP address.

Note: If you want to use a single IP address with two different ports for the HTTPS service and the console proxy service, you must run the configuration script in an unattended mode.
Full path to the HTTPS SSL certificate file For example, /tmp/http.pem..
Full path to the HTTPS SSL private key file For example, /tmp/http.key.
Password for the HTTPS SSL private key See Before You Create SSL Certificates for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
Full path to the console proxy SSL certificate file For example, /tmp/consoleproxy.pem.
Full path to the console proxy SSL private key file For example, /tmp/consoleproxy.key.
Password for the console proxy SSL private key See Before You Create SSL Certificates for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
Enable remote audit logging to a syslog host

Services in each VMware Cloud Director cell log audit messages to the VMware Cloud Director database, where they are preserved for 90 days. To preserve audit messages longer, you can configure VMware Cloud Director services to send audit messages to the syslog utility in addition to the VMware Cloud Director database.

  • To skip, press Enter.
  • To enable, enter the syslog host name or IP address.
If you enabled remote audit logging, UDP port of the syslog host Defaults to 514.
Host name or IP address of the database server The server running the database.
Database port Defaults to 5432.
Database name Defaults to vcloud.
Database user name See Configure an External PostgreSQL Database for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
Database password See Configure an External PostgreSQL Database for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
Join or do not participate in the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)

This product participates in VMware’s Customer Experience Improvement Program (“CEIP”). Details regarding the data collected through CEIP and the purposes for which it is used by VMware are set forth in the Trust & Assurance Center at http://www.vmware.com/trustvmware/ceip.html. You can use the cell management tool to join or leave VMware's CEIP for this product at any time. See Cell Management Tool Reference.

To join the program, enter y.

If you prefer not to join the VMware's CEIP program, enter n.