What to read next Activate or Deactivate Distributed Routing on an Edge GatewayAfter you activate VMware Cloud Director distributed routing on an edge gateway, the organization administrator can create many routed organization virtual data center networks with distributed interfaces connected to this edge gateway. Traffic on those networks is optimized for VM-to-VM communication. Modify the External Networks and the Edge Gateway SettingsTo modify the external networks and the edge gateway settings, you can use the Edit edge gateway wizard, which contains the same pages as the wizard that you used to create the edge gateway. Edit the General Settings of an Edge GatewayYou can modify the name and the description of an edge gateway, activate or deactivate FIPS mode and high availability state, and change the edge gateway size configuration. Edit the Default Gateway of an Edge GatewayYou can change the network that an edge gateway uses as a default gateway. Edit the IP Settings of an Edge GatewayYou can modify the IP settings for external networks on an edge gateway. Edit the Suballocated IP Pools on an Edge GatewayYou can suballocate multiple static IP pools from the available IP pools of an external network on an edge gateway. Edit the Rate Limits on an Edge GatewayYou can configure the inbound and outbound rate limits for each external network on the edge gateway. Parent topic: Managing NSX Data Center for vSphere Edge Gateways