You can import services from the workflow library of a vRealize Orchestrator instance that is registered with VMware Cloud Director.



  1. From the top navigation bar, select Libraries.
    1. From the left panel, select Service Library.
    Available services display in a card view of 12 items per page, sorted by names in alphabetical order. Each card indicates that the item is a vRealize Orchestrator workflow and shows the name of the service and a tag that corresponds to the service category, in which the workflow is imported.
  2. To import a new service, click the Import button.
  3. Follow the steps of the Import wizard.
    Option Description
    Import to target library Select the service category, to which to import the service.
    Select source Select the vRealize Orchestrator instance, from which to import workflows.
    Select workflows Expand the hierarchical tree view to select one or multiple workflows to import.
    Review Review the details and click Done to complete the import.
    The imported workflows appear in the Service Library card view.