You can control service provider and tenant access to services by publishing a service.
- From the top navigation bar, select Libraries.
- From the left panel, select Service Library.
Available services display in a card view of 12 items per page, sorted by names in alphabetical order. Each card indicates that the item is a
vRealize Orchestrator workflow and shows the name of the service and a tag that corresponds to the service category, in which the workflow is imported.
- In the card of the selected service, select .
Publish Workflow dialog appears.
- To publish to service providers, select Publish to Service Providers and click Save.
- To publish to a specific tenant organization, select Publish to Tenants button.
- A list with available tenant organizations appears. Select the tenant organization, to which to publish the workflow and click Save.
- To publish to all tenant organizations, select Publish to All Tenants and click Save.