Before you can access the UI of a proxied vSphere component, you must set up the proxies that are published to your organization.

To configure your browser to use your published proxies, you copy the URL of the proxy auto-config (PAC) file into your browser.
Note: When the system administrator publishes a dedicated vSphere data center to your organization, or adds a proxy to one of your dedicated vSphere data centers, it is possible that it takes a few minutes for the browser to refetch the PAC from the provided URL. To force a refresh of the browser, you can repeat this procedure.


  • Verify that the system administrator published at least one dedicated and enabled vCenter Server instance to your organization.
  • Verify that the system administrator published the SDDC_VIEW and Token: Manage rights to your organization, and your role includes these rights.
  • Verify that the system administrator published and enabled the CPOM extension plug-in to your organization. This plug-in provides the function for viewing and using dedicated vSphere data centers in the VMware Cloud Director Tenant Portal.


  1. In the top navigation bar, click Data Centers and then click Virtual Data Center.
  2. On the Dedicated vSphere Data Centers pane, click Click here to view Proxy Configuration Guide.
  3. Copy the PAC URL and click Next.
  4. Follow the instructions to configure your browser to point to the PAC URL.
  5. If a proxied component is using self-signed certificates, import the certificates to your browser.
    1. On the target vSphere data center card, click Actions, and click Import Certificate.
    2. Download the certificate and the certificate revocation list (CRL).
    3. Import the downloaded certificate to your browser.
      See the user instructions for your browser.