As an organization administrator, you can limit the access to each of the organization VDCs in your organization to specific users and groups.

By default, organization VDCs are shared with all users and groups that have a role which includes the Allow Access to All Organization VDCs right.

If your organization has multiple organization VDCs and you want to have them managed separately, you can create a custom role that would function as an organization VDC administrator and assign it to specific users or groups within your organization, providing them with access only to a specific VDC's compute and networking resources.


  1. Verify that you are an organization administrator.
  2. Create a custom role for the users and groups that you want to provide with access to a specific organization VDC. This role must exclude the Allow Access to All Organization VDCs right. See Managing Users, Groups and Roles.


  1. On the Virtual Data Center dashboard screen, click the card of the virtual data center that you want to limit access to.
  2. Under Settings, click Sharing.
    The list of users and groups within the organization that have access to the VDC appears.
  3. To change the access settings to the organization VDC, click Edit.
  4. Select Specific Users and Groups.
  5. From the Users list, select the users that you want to provide with access to the VDC.
  6. From the Groups list, select the groups that you want to provide with access to the VDC.
  7. To share the VDC with the selected users and groups, click Share.


Access to the organization VDC is limited to the users and groups that you selected.