You can create a new vApp based on a vApp template stored in a catalog to which you have access.

If the vApp template is based on an OVF file that includes OVF properties for customizing its virtual machines, those properties are passed to the vApp. If any of those properties are user-configurable, you can specify the values.


  • Only organization administrators and vApp authors can access vApp templates in public catalogs.
  • vApp users and above can access vApp templates in organization catalogs shared to them.


  1. In the top navigation bar, click Libraries and in the left panel, select vApp Templates.
    The list of templates appears in a grid view.
  2. Click the radio button next to the vApp template you want to use and click Create vApp.
  3. Enter a name and, optionally, a description of the vApp.
  4. Specify how long this vApp can run before it is automatically stopped in hours or days.
  5. Specify for how long the stopped vApp remains available before being automatically cleaned up in hours or days.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the virtual data center in which you want to create the vApp.
  8. Select a storage policy.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Configure the compute policies and settings.
    Starting with version 10.3.2, you can configure the vApp template with a vGPU policy. vGPU and placement policies are global and you can publish them to multiple provider VDCs and vApp templates include both sizing and placement or sizing and vGPU policy information.
  11. Select the networks to which you want each virtual machine to connect.
    • Select a network for each virtual machine from the Network drop-down menu.
    • You can select the Switch to the advanced networking workflow check box, and enter the network settings such as primary NIC, network adapter type, network, IP assignment and IP address settings for each virtual machine in the vApp manually.
    You can configure additional properties for virtual machines after you complete the wizard.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Customize the hardware of the virtual machines in the vApp, and click Next.
    Option Description
    Number of virtual CPUs Enter the number of virtual CPUs for each virtual machine in the vApp.

    The maximum number of virtual CPUs that you can assign to a virtual machine depends on the number of logical CPUs on the host and the type of guest operating system that is installed on the virtual machine.

    Cores per socket Enter the number of cores per socket for each virtual machine in the vApp.

    You can configure how the virtual CPUs are assigned in terms of cores and cores per socket. Determine how many CPU cores you want in the virtual machine, then select the number of cores you want in each socket, depending on whether you want a single core CPU, dual-core CPU, tri-core CPU, and so on.

    Number of cores View the number of cores for each virtual machine in the vApp.

    The number changes when you update the number of virtual CPUs.

    Total memory (MB) Enter the memory in MB for each virtual machine in the vApp.

    This setting determines how much of the ESXi host memory is allocated to the virtual machine. The virtual hardware memory size determines how much memory is available to applications that run in the virtual machine. A virtual machine cannot benefit from more memory resources than its configured virtual hardware memory size.

    Hard disk properties Enter the size of the virtual machine hard disk in MB.
  14. On the Ready to Complete page, review your settings and click Finish.


The new vApp appears in the card view.