In a VMware Cloud Director environment, to modify an existing distributed firewall rule of an organization virtual data center, use the Distributed Firewall screen.

For details about the available settings for the various cells of a rule, see Add a Distributed Firewall Rule.


  1. On the Virtual Data Center dashboard screen, click the card of the virtual data center you want to explore and under Networking, select Security.
  2. Select the security services VDC network for which you want to modify firewall rules, and click Configure Services.
    The Security Services screen displays.
  3. Perform any of the following actions to manage the distributed firewall rules:
    • Deactivate a rule by clicking the green check mark in its No. cell.

      The green check mark turns to a red deactivated icon. If the rule is deactivated and you want to activate the rule, click the red deactivated icon.

    • Edit a rule name by double-clicking in its Name cell and typing the new name.
    • Modify the settings for a rule, such as the source or action settings, by selecting the appropriate cell and using the displayed controls.
    • Delete a rule by selecting it and clicking the Delete button located above the rules table.
    • Move a rule up or down in the rules table by selecting the rule and clicking the up and down arrow buttons located above the rules table.
  4. Click Save Changes.