When you run the configure script in an unattended mode, you provide the setup information at the command line as options and arguments.

Table 1. Configuration Utility Options and Arguments
Option Argument Description
--help (-h) None Displays a summary of configuration options and arguments
--config-file (-c) Path to the global.properties file Information that you supply when you run the configuration utility is saved in this file. If you omit this option, the default location is /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc/global.properties.
--console-proxy-ip (-cons) IPv4 address, with optional port number This is an optional parameter for VMware Cloud Director 10.4. The system uses this address for the VMware Cloud Director console proxy service. For example,
Note: VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1 and later do not support the legacy console proxy implementation and discard this parameter.
--console-proxy-port-https Integer in the range 0 - 65535 This is an optional parameter for VMware Cloud Director 10.4. Port number to use for the VMware Cloud Director console proxy service.
Note: VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1 and later do not support the legacy console proxy implementation and discard this parameter.
--database-ssl true or false You can configure the PostgreSQL database to require a well-signed SSL connection from VMware Cloud Director.

If you want to configure the PostgreSQL database to use a self-signed or private certificate, see Perform Additional Configurations on the External PostgreSQL Database.

--database-host (-dbhost) IP address or fully qualified domain name of the VMware Cloud Director database host See Configure an External PostgreSQL Database for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
--database-name (-dbname) The database service name See Configure an External PostgreSQL Database for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
--database-password (-dbpassword) Password for the database user. It can be null. See Configure an External PostgreSQL Database for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
--database-port (-dbport) Port number used by the database service on the database host See Configure an External PostgreSQL Database for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
--database-type (-dbtype) The database type. The supported type is postgres. This is an optional parameter. The database type will default to postgres. See Configure an External PostgreSQL Database for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
--database-user (-dbuser) User name of the database user. See Configure an External PostgreSQL Database for VMware Cloud Director on Linux.
--enable-ceip true or false

This product participates in VMware’s Customer Experience Improvement Program (“CEIP”). Details regarding the data collected through CEIP and the purposes for which it is used by VMware are set forth in the Trust & Assurance Center at http://www.vmware.com/trustvmware/ceip.html. You can use the cell management tool to join or leave VMware's CEIP for this product at any time. See VMware Cloud Director Cell Management Tool Reference.

--uuid (-g) None Generates a new unique identifier for the cell
--primary-ip (-ip) IPv4 address, with optional port number The system uses this address for the VMware Cloud Director Web interface service. For example,
--primary-port-http Integer in the range 0 to 65535 Port number to use for HTTP (insecure) connections to the VMware Cloud Director Web interface service
--primary-port-https Integer in the range 0 - 65535 Port number to use for HTTPS (secure) connections to the VMware Cloud Director Web interface service
--cert Path to your HTTP SSL certificate in PEM format Must be a full path name. For example, /tmp/cert.pem.
--key Path to your HTTP SSL private key in PEM format Must be a full path name. For example, /tmp/cert.key.
--consoleproxy-cert Path to your console proxy certificate in PEM format This is an optional parameter for VMware Cloud Director 10.4. Must be a full path name. For example, /tmp/cert.pem. Defaults to the --cert if you do not provide --consoleproxy-cert and --consoleproxy-key.
Note: VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1 and later do not support the legacy console proxy implementation and discard this parameter.
--consoleproxy-key Path to your console proxy SSL private key in PEM format This is an optional parameter for VMware Cloud Director 10.4. Must be a full path name. For example, /tmp/cert.key. Defaults to the --key if you do not provide --consoleproxy-cert and --consoleproxy-key.
Note: VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1 and later do not support the legacy console proxy implementation and discard this parameter.
--syslog-host (-loghost) IP address or fully qualified domain name of the syslog server host Services in each VMware Cloud Director cell log audit messages to the VMware Cloud Director database, where they are preserved for 90 days. To preserve audit messages longer, you can configure VMware Cloud Director services to send audit messages to the syslog utility in addition to the VMware Cloud Director database.
--syslog-port (-logport) Integer in the range 0 - 65535 The port on which the syslog process monitors the specified server. Defaults to 514 if not specified.
--response-file (-r) Path to the response file Must be a full path name. Defaults to /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc/responses.properties if not specified. All the information that you supply when running configure is preserved in this file.

This file contains sensitive information that you must reuse when you add servers to a server group. Preserve the file in a secure location, and make it available only when needed.

--unattended-installation (-unattended) None Specifies unattended installation.
--key-password SSL private key password for the HTTP certificate SSL private key password for the HTTP certificate
--consoleproxy-key-password SSL private key password for the console proxy certificate. This is an optional parameter for VMware Cloud Director 10.4. SSL private key password for the console proxy certificate. Defaults to the --key-password if you do not provide --consoleproxy-cert and --consoleproxy-key.
Note: VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1 and later do not support the legacy console proxy implementation and discard this parameter.

Unattended Configuration with Two IP Addresses

Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.4, the console proxy uses the same IP address and port as the REST API. The console proxy and REST API use a single certificate. All console proxy parameters are optional. Because of the unified access point, customizing the VMware Cloud Director public console proxy address is no longer necessary. If you want to use the legacy implementation with a dedicated console proxy access point, you can enable the LegacyConsoleProxy feature from the Feature Flags settings menu under the Administration tab of the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal. In VMware Cloud Director 10.4, to enable the LegacyConsoleProxy feature, your installation or deployment must have console proxy settings configured in a previous version and transferred through a VMware Cloud Director upgrade. After enabling or deactivating the feature you must restart the cells.

Note: VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1 and later do not support the legacy implementation of the console proxy feature.
The following example command runs an unattended configuration of a VMware Cloud Director server with two different IP addresses for the HTTPS service and console proxy service. Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.4, --console-proxy-ip and --console-proxy-port-https are optional.
[root@cell1 /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin]# ./configure -ip -cons \
-dbtype postgres -dbhost -dbname postgresql-db-name -dbuser vcloud --enable-ceip true \
-dbpassword P@55word --cert /tmp/cert.pem --key /tmp/cert.key --key-password $3Cret -loghost -unattended

Unattended Configuration with a Single IP Address

The following example command runs an unattended configuration of a VMware Cloud Director server with a single IP address with two different ports for the HTTPS service and console proxy service.
[root@cell1 /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin]# ./configure -ip --primary-port-https 9000 -cons \
--console-proxy-port-https 9010 -dbtype postgres -dbhost -dbname postgresql-db-name \
-dbuser vcloud -dbpassword P@55word --cert /tmp/cert.pem --key /tmp/cert.key --key-password $3Cret \
-loghost --enable-ceip true -unattended