If the shared storage validation fails during the initial VMware Cloud Director appliance configuration, the deployer displays error messages that you can use to remediate the issue.


During the VMware Cloud Director appliance deployment, the deployer displays an error message referring to the NFS share.


If you do not prepare the transfer server storage for the VMware Cloud Director, the NFS validation during deployment fails.


Error Action
Invalid or missing command arguments. usage: nfsValidate nfs_mount_string The JSON request body cannot be parsed. Provide a valid JSON request body.
Empty nfs_mount string The NFS mount string is not in the request body. Provide an NFS mount string argument.
Invalid nfs_mount string: nfs_mount_string_argument Change the NFS mount string to the valid format IP_address:path
Invalid cell type: cell_type_string The cell type must be primary, standby, or cell. If the OVF parameter is not equal to any of these values, verify the appliance configuration.
Prerequisite OS configuration was not completed The /opt/vmware/appliance/etc/os-configuration-completed file is missing from the appliance. Configure the operating system.
Cloud Director appliance system setup already complete. The /opt/vmware/appliance/etc/vcd-configuration-completed file was found on the appliance. The cloud directory setup is already complete, and you must not run this script.
The directory already exists. The primary appliance requires that this be removed. This directory must not exist on the primary appliance. The directory exists on the NFS server and you must remove it.
The directory already exists. The primary appliance requires that this be removed. This directory must not exist on the primary appliance. The directory exists on the NFS server and you must remove it.
responses.properties file already exists on transfer share. The primary appliance requires that this be removed. On the primary appliance, the responses.properties files must not exist, and you must remove them.
responses.properties file does not exist on transfer share. This should already exist on a standby or cell appliance. On a standby or cell appliance, the responses.properties file must exist. The primary appliance might not be configured yet. You must configure the primary appliance before configuring additional cells.
nfsValidate can not be run while system setup is in progress. Wait for the system setup to complete before attempting to run nfsValidate.
Unable to create tmp directory for use by this script: /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/data/nfs-test Verify file system permissions to determine why this directory cannot be created.