You can edit the system email settings, including configuring the SMTP server settings and VMware Cloud Director notification settings.

VMware Cloud Director requires an SMTP server to send user notifications and system alert emails to system users.

VMware Cloud Director sends system alert emails when it has important information to report. For example, VMware Cloud Director sends an alert when a datastore is running out of space. You can configure VMware Cloud Director to send email alerts to all system administrators or to a specified list of email addresses.


  1. From the top navigation bar, select Administration.
  2. From the left pane, under Settings, select Email, and click Edit.
  3. Enter the DNS host name or IP address of the SMTP mail server.
  4. Enter the SMTP server port number.
  5. (Optional) If the SMTP server requires a user name, toggle on the Requires authentication option and enter the user name and password for the SMTP account.
  6. Select the Notification Settings tab.
  7. Enter an email address to appear as the sender for VMware Cloud Director emails.
    VMware Cloud Director uses the sender's email address to send runtime and storage lease expiration alerts.
  8. (Optional) Enter text for the subject prefix.
  9. Select the recipients of the notifications.
    By default, only organization administrators receive the SMTP notifications.
  10. Click Save.
  11. (Optional) Test the SMTP settings.
    1. Click Test.
    2. If you enabled the Requires authentication option, enter the SMTP server password.
    3. Enter a destination email address and click Test.