Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.4, both the console proxy traffic and HTTPS communications go over the default 443 port. To clear all network settings related to the legacy proxy console implementation, you can use the clear-console-proxy-settings command of the cell management tool.

The clear-console-proxy-settings command of the cell management tool clears the legacy console proxy IP address, port, and certificate settings.

For VMware Cloud Director 10.4, if you plan on using the legacy implementation of the console proxy feature, do not clear the console proxy settings. If you clear the console proxy settings, enabling the legacy implementation causes the console proxy to stop working. The clear-console-proxy-settings attempts to clean up the console proxy certificates in addition to the console proxy settings. If you want to enable the LegacyConsoleProxy feature, you must configure again the console proxy certificates and properties by using the configure CMT command.


For VMware Cloud Director 10.4, verify that the LegacyConsoleProxy feature is deactivated. You can deactivate the LegacyConsoleProxy feature from the Feature Flags settings menu under the Administration tab of the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal.


  1. Log in directly or by using an SSH client to the OS of the VMware Cloud Director server cell as root.
  2. To clear all settings related to the legacy console proxy implementation, run the following command.
    /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool clear-console-proxy-settings option
    Table 1. Cell Management Tool Options and Arguments, clear-console-proxy-settings Subcommand
    Option Argument Description
    -c, --c Full pathname to the file Defaults to VCLOUD_HOME/etc/
    --help (-h) None Provides a summary of available commands in this category.
    -r, --r Full pathname to the file Defaults to VCLOUD_HOME/etc/

What to do next

For VMware Cloud Director 10.4, if you want to use the legacy implementation of console proxy after clearing the console proxy settings, enable the legacy console proxy feature, specify the console proxy settings by using the configure command, and restart VMware Cloud Director.
  1. From the top navigation bar of the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal, select Administration.
  2. Navigate to the Feature Flags settings menu, and enable the LegacyConsoleProxy feature.
  3. To update the and files, run the configure command, and specify all the legacy console proxy properties.
  4. Restart VMware Cloud Director.