By taking snapshots of multiple vApps, you take snapshots of all virtual machines in the vApps. After you take the snapshots, you can revert all virtual machines in the vApps to the snapshots, or remove the snapshots if you do not need them.

vApp snapshots have some limitations.
  • vApp snapshots do not capture NIC configurations.
  • If any virtual machine in a vApp is connected to a named disk, you cannot take a vApp snapshot.
  • Taking snapshots of multiple vApps does not create snapshots of the memory of the vApps and does not quiesce the guest file system of the vApps. If you want to create a snapshot of the memory of your vApps or to quiesce the guest file system, you must create individual snapshots for each vApp. See Take a Snapshot of a vApp.


  1. On the Virtual Data Center dashboard screen, click the card of the virtual data center you want to explore, and from the left panel, select vApps.
  2. Toggle on the Multiselect option.
  3. Select the vApps for which you want to create snapshots.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Create Snapshot, and click OK to confirm.

What to do next