NSX Edge SSL VPN services enable remote users to connect securely to private networks behind an Edge Gateway.

  • API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/network.
  • id is a VMware Cloud Director unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.
  • # is a small integer used in an NSX object identifier.
Table 1. Summary of NSX Edge SSL VPN Requests
Operation Request Request Body Response
Retrieve the SSL VPN configuration for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config None sslvpnConfig
Update the SSL VPN configuration for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config sslvpnConfig 204 No Content
Enable or disable the SSL VPN configuration for the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config?enableService=[true | false] None 204 No Content
Delete the SSL VPN configuration for the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config None 204 No Content
Retrieve the SSL VPN authentication configuration for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/settings None authenticationConfig
Update the SSL VPN authentication configuration for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/settings authenticationConfig 204 No Content
Retrieve all locally-defined SSL VPN users for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users None usersInfo
Create locally-defined SSL VPN users for the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users usersInfo 201 Created
Update locally-defined SSL VPN users for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users usersInfo 204 No Content
Delete all locally-defined SSL VPN users for the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users None 204 No Content
Retrieve locally-defined SSL VPN user with identifier user-# from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/user-# None user
Update locally-defined SSL VPN user with identifier user-# on the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/user-# user 204 No Content
Delete locally-defined SSL VPN user with identifier user-# from the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/user-# None 204 No Content
Retrieve all SSL VPN private networks for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks None privateNetworks
Configure one or more SSL VPN private networks for the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks privateNetworks 201 Created
Update all SSL VPN private networks for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks privateNetworks 204 No Content
Delete all SSL VPN private networks for the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks None 204 No Content
Retrieve SSL VPN private network with identifier privateNetwork-# from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks/privateNetwork-# None privateNetwork
Update SSL VPN private network with identifier privateNetwork-# on the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks/privateNetwork-# privateNetwork 204 No Content
Delete SSL VPN private network with identifier privateNetwork-# from the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks/privateNetwork-# None 204 No Content
Retrieve the SSL VPN server configuration for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/server None serverSettings
Update the SSL VPN server configuration for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/server serverSettings 204 No Content
Retrieve all SSL VPN IP pools from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools None ipAddressPools
Configure an SSL VPN IP pool for the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools ipAddressPool 201 Created
Update an SSL VPN IP pool for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools ipAddressPool 204 No Content
Delete all SSL VPN IP pools from the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools None 204 No Content
Retrieve SSL VPN IP pool with identifier pool-id from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/pool-id None ipAddressPool
Update SSL VPN IP pool with identifier pool-id on the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/pool-id ipAddressPool 204 No Content
Delete SSL VPN IP pool with identifier pool-id from the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/pool-id None 204 No Content
Retrieve all SSL VPN client install packages from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages None clientInstallPackages
Configure an SSL VPN client install package on the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages clientInstallPackages 201 Created
Update an SSL VPN client install package on the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages clientInstallPackages 204 No Content
Delete all SSL VPN client install packages on the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages None 204 No Content
Retrieve SSL VPN client install package with identifier clientinstallpackage-# from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages/clientinstallpackage-# None clientInstallPackages
Update SSL VPN client install package with identifier clientinstallpackage-# on the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages/clientinstallpackage-# clientInstallPackages 204 No Content
Delete SSL VPN client install package with identifier clientinstallpackage-# from the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages/clientinstallpackage-# None 204 No Content
Retrieve the SSL VPN client configuration parameters for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/clientconfig None clientConfiguration
Update the SSL VPN client configuration parameters for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/<id>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/clientconfig clientConfiguration 204 No Content
Retrieve the SSL VPN advanced configuration parameters for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/advancedconfig None advancedConfig
Update the SSL VPN advanced configuration parameters for the edge with identifier id . PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/advancedconfig advancedConfig 204 No Content
Retrieve active SSL VPN sessions for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/activesessions None activeSessions
Disconnect active SSL VPN session with identifier session-id from the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/activesessions/session-id None 204 No Content
Upload an SSL VPN login script to the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/script/file scriptFileId
Retrieve an SSL VPN login script with identifier# from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/script/file/# None logonLogoffScripts
Configure parameters for uploaded SSL VPN login script on the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/script
Retrieve all SSL VPN login scripts from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/script
Update parameters uploaded SSL VPN login scripts on the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/script
Delete all SSL VPN login scripts from the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/sslvpn/config/script None 200 OK