You can use the VMware Cloud Director API for NSX to query all edges, query a specific edge, or upgrade an edge.

  • API-URL is a URL of the form
  • id is a VMware Cloud Director unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.
  • # is a small integer used in an NSX object identifier.
Table 1. Summary of NSX Edge Gateway Query and Upgrade Requests
Operation Request Request Body Response
List all edges in the system. GET API-URL/edges None pagedEdgeList
List the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id None edge
Get the status of the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id /status None edgeStatus
Get the summary of the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id /summary None edgeSummary
Get the list of all jobs for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/jobs None edgeJobs
Get the list of active jobs for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/jobs?status=active None edgeJobs
Upgrade the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id /?action=upgrade None 204 No Content
List the edges contained by VMware Cloud Director organization VDC with id id. GET API-URL/edges/?orgVdc=id None edgeSummaries
Configure the edge with identifier id to use NSX FIPS mode. Requires NSX 6.3 or later.
Note: This option is available only if the system administrator has allowed enablement of FIPS mode on Edge Gateways. For more information about FIPS mode, see FIPS Mode in the VMware NSX for vSphere documentation.
POST API-URL/edges/id /fips?enable=[true | false] None 204 No Content