These requests retrieve statistics and other information from an edge and configure properties for remote access and logging via syslog.

  • API-URL is a URL of the form
  • id is a VMware Cloud Director unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.
  • # is a small integer used in an NSX object identifier.
Table 1. Summary of NSX Edge Interface, Remote Access, Logging, and Statistics Properties Requests
Operation Request Request Body Response
Retrieve vNIC details for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/vdcNetworks None edgeInterfaces
Retrieve syslog settings for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/syslog/config None syslog
Update syslog settings for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/syslog/config syslog 204 No Content
Delete syslog settings for the edge with identifier id. DELETE API-URL/edges/id/syslog/config None 204 No Content
Retrieve statistics for all interfaces from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/statistics/interfaces None statistics
Retrieve statistics for all uplink interfaces from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/statistics/interfaces/uplink None statistics
Retrieve statistics for all internal interfaces from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/statistics/interfaces/internal None statistics
Retrieve dashboard interface statistics from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/statistics/dashboard/interface None dashboardstatistics
Retrieve dashboard firewall statistics from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/statistics/dashboard/firewall None dashboardstatistics
Retrieve dashboard sslvpn statistics from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/statistics/dashboard/sslvpn None dashboardstatistics
Retrieve dashboard IPsec VPN statistics from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/statistics/dashboard/ipsec None dashboardstatistics
Retrieve the L2 VPN statistics for the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/l2vpn/config/statistics None l2vpnStatusAndStats
Update command line (SSH) access settings for the edge with identifier id. PUT API-URL/edges/id/clisettings clisettings 204 No Content
Enable command line (SSH) access to the edge with identifier id. POST API-URL/edges/id/cliremoteaccess?enable=true None 204 No Content
Retrieve support logs from the edge with identifier id. GET API-URL/edges/id/techsupportlogs None