Task operation names represent the requests that you can configure as blocking tasks.
To configure a request type as a blocking task, place the operation name in an
Operation element and add that element to the cloud's
BlockingTaskOperations element. See
Retrieve or Update Blocking Task Settings.
Note: These operation names also appear in the
operationName attribute of the
Task element that tracks the operation.
Category | Operation Name | Description |
EDGE_CLUSTER | edgeClusterConfigure | Configure an edge cluster. |
EDGE_CLUSTER | edgeClusterCreate | Create an edge cluster. |
EDGE_CLUSTER | edgeClusterDelete | Delete an edge cluster. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | bgpConfigUpdate | Configure BGP. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | bgpNeighborCreate | Add a BGP neighbor. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | bgpNeighborDelete | Delete a BGP neighbor. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | bgpNeighborUpdate | Edit a BGP neighbor. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | createIpSecVpnTunnel | Create an IPsec VPN tunnel. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | createL2VpnTunnel | Create an L2 VPN tunnel. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | createNatRule | Create a NAT rule. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | deleteFirewallRule | Delete a firewall rule. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | deleteFirewallRules | Delete the firewall rules on an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | deleteIpSecVpnTunnel | Delete an IPsec VPN tunnel. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | deleteL2VpnTunnel | Delete an L2 VPN tunnel. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | deleteNatRule | Delete a NAT rule. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | gatewayLoadBalancerConfigUpdate | Configure load balancer. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | gatewayLoadBalancerPoolCreate | Add a load balancer server pool. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | gatewayLoadBalancerPoolDelete | Delete a load balancer server pool. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | gatewayLoadBalancerPoolUpdate | Update a load balancer server pool. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | gatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceCreate | Create a virtual service. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | gatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceDelete | Delete a virtual service. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | gatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceUpdate | Update a virtual service. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | nsxProxyNatConfigure | Configure NAT. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | nsxProxyResourceConfigure | Generic task for configuring NSX Data Center for vSphere resources. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | nsxProxyResourceConfigureServices | Generic task for configuring NSX Data Center for vSphere edge services. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | orgVdcGatewayDhcpForwarderUpdate | Edit the DHCP forwarding configuration on an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | orgVdcGatewayDnsDelete | Delete DNS services. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | orgVdcGatewayDnsUpdate | Configure DNS services. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | prefixListCreate | Create an IP prefix list. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | prefixListDelete | Delete an IP prefix list. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | prefixListUpdate | Edit an IP prefix list. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | routeAdvertisementUpdate | Configure route advertisement. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | slaacProfileUpdate | Configuring SLAAC services on the Edge Gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | updateFirewallRule | Edit a firewall rule. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | updateFirewallRules | Edit the firewall rules for an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | updateIpSecVpnTunnel | Edit an IPSec VPN tunnel. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | updateIpSecVpnTunnelProperties | Edit the properties of an IPSec VPN tunnel. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | updateL2VpnTunnel | Edit an L2 VPN tunnel. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_SERVICES | updateNatRule | Edit a NAT rule. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | edgeGatewayUpdate | Edit an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | edgeGatewayUpdateProperties | Edit the properties of an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | gatewayQosUpdate | Configure QoS Rate Limits on an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkConfigureEdgeGatewaySyslogServerSettings | Configure edge gateway syslog settings. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkEdgeGatewayCreate | Create an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkEdgeGatewayDelete | Delete an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkEdgeGatewayRedeploy | Redeploy edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkEdgeGatewaySynchronizeSyslog | Synchronizes the Syslog configuration on the edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkEdgeGatewayUpgradeConfiguration | Upgrade an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkGatewayDisableDistributedRouting | Deactivate distributed routing for an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkGatewayEnableDistributedRouting | Activate distributed routing for an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | networkGatewayFormFactorModify | Modify the form factor of an edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | orgVdcGatewayCreate | Create an organization VDC egde gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | orgVdcGatewayDelete | Delete an organization VDC edge gateway. |
EDGE_GATEWAY_TASKS | orgVdcGatewayUpdate | Edit the settings of an organization VDC edge gateway. |
EXTERNAL_NETWORK | externalNetworkCreate | Create an external network. |
EXTERNAL_NETWORK | externalNetworkDelete | Delete an external network. |
EXTERNAL_NETWORK | externalNetworkUpdate | Update an external network. |
EXTERNAL_NETWORK | networkCreateExternalNetwork | Create an external network. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | catalogCachePublishedItem | Cache published catalog item. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | catalogCachePublishedItems | Cache published catalog items. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | catalogDelete | Delete a catalog. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | catalogItemDelete | Delete a catalog item. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | catalogItemEnableDownload | Enable a catalog item for download. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | catalogItemSync | Sync a catalog item. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | catalogSync | Update a subscribed catalog item from its external source. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | catalogSyncAll | Update an externally subscribed catalog from its source. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | importIntoExistingVapp | Import a virtual machine from vCenter Server to an existing vApp. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | importMedia | Import a media object from vSphere. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | importSingletonTemplate | Import a virtual machine from vCenter Server as a vApp template. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | importSingletonVapp | Import a virtual machine from vCenter Server as a vApp. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | importVcVmsIntoExistingVApp | Import a virtual machine from vCenter Server into an existing vApp. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | vdcUploadMedia | Upload media. |
MISCELLANEOUS_TASKS | vdcUploadOvfContents | Upload other OVF package contents. |
NETWORK | networkDelete | Delete a network. |
NETWORK | networkUpdateNetwork | Modify one or more properties of a network object. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkCreateNetworkPool | Create a network pool. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkDeleteNetworkPool | Delete a network pool. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkMergeNetworkPools | Merge network pools. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkPoolCreate | Create a network pool. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkPoolDelete | Delete a network pool. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkPoolUpdate | Update a network pool. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkRepairNetworkPool | Repair a network pool. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkSyncNetworkPool | Sync a network pool. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkUpdateNetworkPool | Modify one or more properties of a VlanPoolType network pool object. |
NETWORK_POOL | networkUpdateVlanPool | Modify one or more properties of any network pool object. |
ORG_RELATED | orgDeleteUser | Delete a user in an organization. |
RESOURCE_CREATION_TASKS | rclCreateProviderVdc | Create a provider VDC. |
RESOURCE_CREATION_TASKS | rclDeleteProviderVdc | Delete a provider VDC. |
RESOURCE_CREATION_TASKS | rclEnableVxlanForProviderVdc | Enable a VXLAN pool associated with a new provider VDC. |
RESOURCE_CREATION_TASKS | rclMergePvdc | Merge provider VDCs. |
TENANT_NETWORK | crossVdcNetworkConfigure | Configure cross VDC network. |
TENANT_NETWORK | crossVdcNetworkCreate | Create a data center group network. |
TENANT_NETWORK | crossVdcNetworkDelete | Delete a data center group network. |
TENANT_NETWORK | networkCreateOrgVdcNetwork | Create an organization VDC network. |
TENANT_NETWORK | networkDhcpBindingCreate | Create a DHCP binding. |
TENANT_NETWORK | networkDhcpBindingDelete | Delete a DHCP binding. |
TENANT_NETWORK | networkDhcpBindingUpdate | update a DHCP binding. |
TENANT_NETWORK | networkResetOrgVdcNetwork | Reset an organization VDC network. |
TENANT_NETWORK | networkSegmentProfilesUpdate | Update the segment profile templates. |
TENANT_NETWORK | networkSyncSyslogSettings | Synchronize syslog settings for a network. |
TENANT_NETWORK | orgVdcNetworkCreate | Create an organization VDC network. |
TENANT_NETWORK | orgVdcNetworkDelete | Delete an organization VDC network. |
TENANT_NETWORK | orgVdcNetworkUpdate | Update an organization VDC network. |
TKG_TASKS | tkgClusterCreate | Create a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster. |
TKG_TASKS | tkgClusterDelete | Delete a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster. |
TKG_TASKS | tkgClusterUpdate | Update a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster. |
VAPP_TASKS | templateUpdateVm | Update template VM. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappAttachDisk | Attach an independent disk to any virtual machine in a vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappCheckVmCompliance | Check the storage profile compliance of a virtual machine. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappCreateSnapshot | Create a snapshot for the vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappDeploy | Deploy a vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappDetachDisk | Detach an independent disk from any virtual machine in a vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappMigrateVms | Migrate the virtual machines in a vApp to a new host. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappPowerOff | Power-off a vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappRebootGuest | Reboot any virtual machine in a vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappRemoveAllSnapshots | Remove all snapshots for this vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappReset | Reset any virtual machine in a vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappRevertToCurrentSnapshot | Revert the vApp to its current snapshot. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappShutdownGuest | Shut down any virtual machine in a vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappSuspend | Suspend any virtual machine in a vApp. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappUndeployPowerOff | Undeploy any virtual machine in a vApp by powering it off. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappUndeploySuspend | Undeploy any virtual machine in a vApp by suspending it. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappUpdateVm | Modify one or more properties of a virtual machine. |
VAPP_TASKS | vappUpgradeHwVersion | Upgrade the hardware version of any virtual machine in a vApp. |
VDC_GROUP | universalEgressPointCreate | Add an egress point to a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | universalEgressPointDelete | Remove an egress point from a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | universalEgressPointSync | Sync universal egress point. |
VDC_GROUP | universalRouterConfigure | Configure universal router. |
VDC_GROUP | universalRouterCreate | Create universal router. |
VDC_GROUP | universalRouterDelete | Delete universal router. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupConfigure | Edit a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupCreate | Create a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupDelete | Delete a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupDfwDisable | Deactivate the distributed firewall service for a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupDfwEnable | Activate the distributed firewall service for a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupDfwPolicyUpdate | Update the single default security policy for a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupDfwRuleDelete | Delete a distributed firewall rule. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupDfwRulesUpdate | Update the distributed firewall rules for a data center group. |
VDC_GROUP | vdcGroupDfwRuleUpdate | Update a distributed firewall rules for a data center group. |
VDC_TASKS | legacyVdcUpdateMedia | Update one or more properties of a media object. |
VDC_TASKS | legacyVdcUpdateTemplate | Update one or more properties of a vApp template. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcCaptureTemplate | Capture a vApp as a vApp template. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcComposeVapp | Compose a vApp. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcCopyMedia | Copy a media object. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcCopyTemplate | Copy a vApp template. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcCopyVapp | Clone a vApp. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcCreateComputePolicy | Create a compute policy. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcCreateDisk | Create an independent disk. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcCreateVdc | Create an organization VDC. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcDeleteComputePolicy | Delete a compute policy. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcDeleteDisk | Delete an independent disk. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcDeleteMedia | Delete a media object. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcDeleteTemplate | Delete a vApp template. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcDeleteVapp | Delete a vApp. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcDeleteVdc | Delete an organization VDC. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcEnableDownload | Enable a vApp template for download as OVF. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcInstantiateVapp | Instantiate a vApp template. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcMoveDisk | Update on a named disk with a new organization VDC. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcMoveVapp | Move the vApp's virtual machines to another resource pool, datastore, or network pool. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcNetworkProfileConfigure | Configure a network profile. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcNetworkProfileDelete | Delete a network profile. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcRecomposeVapp | Recompose a vApp. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcUpdateComputePolicy | Update a compute policy. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcUpdateDisk | Update an independent disk. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcUpdateMedia | Update one or more properties of a media object. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcUpdateStorageProfiles | Update the storage profiles of a VDC. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcUpdateTemplate | Update one or more properties of a vApp template. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcUpdateVapp | Update any section of a vApp. |
VDC_TASKS | vdcUpdateVdc | Modify one or more properties of an organization VDC. |