After you upgrade the VMware Cloud Director appliance to version 10.4.1 or later, you can change the PostgreSQL password manually to a custom password with at least 14 characters.


  1. Log in directly or by using an SSH client to the primary appliance console as root.
  2. Switch to the PostgreSQL database.
    su postgres
  3. Connect to the PostgreSQL and vCloud databases.
    \c vcloud
  4. To change the password in the database, use the ALTER ROLE command.
    ALTER USER vcloud WITH PASSWORD '14_character_mininum_password';
  5. Exit from psql and the PostgreSQL session back to root.
  6. To change the database user name and password, from the primary appliance, run the following cell management tool command.
    /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool reconfigure-database -dbpassword 'same_password_used_in_ALTER_command' \
    -dbuser vcloud -private-key-path /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/id_rsa --remote-sudo-user=postgres -i $(service vmware-vcd pid cell)
    The command propagates the changes to each appliance in the cluster.

What to do next

For more information on modifying the database properties, see Updating Your VMware Cloud Director Database Connection Properties.