If you delete the VMware Hyper Plugin for VMware Cloud Director, the Customize Portal page of the Service Provider Admin Portal becomes inaccessible. If you want to be able to install or manage any other plug-ins, you must reinstall the VMware Hyper Plugin.


  1. Download the VMware Hyper Plugin for the relevant VMware Cloud Director version on the Broadcom Support Portal.

    Some versions of VMware Cloud Director support multiple versions of the VMware Hyper Plugin. You must install and enable all applicable versions of the VMware Hyper Plugin.

    All applicable VMware Hyper Plugin versions are listed under the Drivers and Tools tab on the Download VMware Cloud Director page.

  2. Manually upload the ZIP by using the VMware Cloud Director API.
    The following steps use SERVER as the server endpoint of the VMware Cloud Director installation, and TOKEN as the x-vcloud-authorization header value that the initial session's creation request returns.
    1. Create a session using your system administrator credentials.
      SERVER="vcloud.example.com" curl --header 'Accept: application/*+xml;version=30.0' --insecure --basic --data '' --user 'administrator@System:pa$$w0rd' --verbose https://$SERVER/api/sessions
    2. Using the manifest.json file as a template for the necessary values, register the plug-in.
      SERVER="vcloud.example.com" TOKEN="c2f4258224ce4489b4e4474e4e34db15" curl --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header "x-vcloud-authorization: $TOKEN" --insecure --verbose https://$SERVER/cloudapi/extensions/ui --data '{"pluginName": "Stub plugin", "vendor": "VMware", "description": "", "version": "1.0.0", "license": "BSD-2", "link": "http://vcloud.example.com", "provider_scoped": true, "enabled": true}'
    3. Enable file uploads for the plug-in.
      You can find the endpoint information in the Location header of the previous response. The size is the size of the plugin.zip file in bytes.
      SERVER="vcloud.example.com" TOKEN="c2f4258224ce4489b4e4474e4e34db15" PLUGIN="urn:vcloud:uiPlugin:1e634a62-a98a-46c0-b9dd-7e2c5a9e8688" curl --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header "x-vcloud-authorization: $TOKEN" --insecure --verbose https://$SERVER/cloudapi/extensions/ui/$PLUGIN/plugin --data '{"fileName": "plugin.zip", "size": 56623}'
    4. Upload the plugin.zip file to VMware Cloud Director.
      You can find the upload path in the Link response header of the previous call.
      SERVER="vcloud.example.com" TOKEN="c2f4258224ce4489b4e4474e4e34db15" curl --request PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/zip' --header "x-vcloud-authorization: $TOKEN" --insecure --verbose https://$SERVER/transfer/19d7fafd-6670-4c2a-983f-0b3a49725d2e/plugin.zip --data-binary @dist/plugin.zip
  3. If your VMware Cloud Director version supports more than one VMware Hyper Plugin version, repeat steps 1 and 2 for each supported VMware Hyper Plugin version.


In the Service Provider Admin Portal, you can access the Customize Portal page, and the VMware Hyper Plugin for VMware Cloud Director appears in the list of plug-ins.

What to do next

To see the list of VMware Cloud Director plug-ins, from the top navigation bar, select More > Customize Portal.