To create a network across multiple organization virtual data centers, you first group the virtual data centers, then create a VDC network that is scoped to the data center group.

VMware Cloud Director supports data center group networking for organization virtual data centers that are backed byNSX Data Center for vSphere with both an active and a stand-by egress point for a single network fault domain.

A data center group that is backed by NSX Data Center for vSphere can have either a common egress point configuration, an egress point configuration for each network fault domain, or a local group configuration.
Data center group
A data center group acts as a virtual data center group router that provides centralized networking administration, configuration for multiple egress points in multiple virtual data centers, and east-west traffic between all networks within the group. A data center group can contain between one and 16 virtual data centers that are configured to share multiple egress points. A data center group can have one of the following egress points configurations:
Table 1. Egress Points Configuration Type for Data Center Groups Backed by NSX Data Center for vSphere
Egress Points Configuration Type Description
Common egress points configuration You can configure the data center group with one active egress point and one standby egress point. The two egress points are common to all participating virtual data centers across all network fault domains in the data center group.

A data center group with this configuration can include data centers from up to four network fault domains.

Egress points configuration per fault domain You can configure the data center group with one active egress point and one stand-by egress point for each network fault domain in the data center group.

A data center group with this configuration can include data centers from up to four network fault domains.

Local group configuration The organization virtual data centers in a local data center group are backed by a single vCenter Server instance. You can configure the local data center group with one active egress point and one standby egress point for a single network fault domain.
An organization can have multiple data center groups. An organization virtual data center can participate in multiple data center groups.

The participating organization virtual data centers can belong to different VMware Cloud Director sites. See Configure and Manage Multisite Deployments Using the VMware Cloud Director Tenant Portal.

Network Fault Domain
The network provider scope, typically representing the underlying vCenter Server instance with the associated NSX-V Manager.
Egress point
An edge gateway that connects a data center group or network fault domain to the Internet. The edge gateway must belong to a virtual data center from the data center group. BGP routes are configured on the edge gateway representing the egress point and the universal router of the virtual data center group or network fault domain. Existing routes on the edge gateway are not affected.
Stretched network
A layer 2 network that is stretched across all virtual data centers in a data center group. Can be IPv4 only.