To route traffic in and out of a data center group network to an external network, you can configure an NSX edge gateway to be the egress point for a data center group.

When you configure an edge gateway to be the egress point for a data center group, you increase its scope to the data center group. The edge gateway becomes shared across all data centers that participate in the group. All routed networks that are attached to the edge gateway are attached to the data center group and scoped to it.

All edge gateway services remain part of the edge gateway functions. For more information, see Managing NSX Edge Gateways in VMware Cloud Director Tenant Portal.

If a VDC is a member of the data center group and if no workloads are attached to any of the routed networks that are not part of the targeted scope, you can remove an edge gateway from a data center group and scope it to a single VDC.

You can add an edge gateway to an isolated data center group network and convert it to a routed data center network. You can also remove the connection to an edge gateway from a data center group network, converting the routed network to an isolated data center group network.