To manage and monitor multiple, geographically distributed VMware Cloud Director installations or server groups and their organizations as single entities, you can use the VMware Cloud Director multisite feature.
Effective Implementation of a Multisite
When you associate two VMware Cloud Director sites, you enable the administration of the sites as a single entity. You also enable organizations at those sites to form associations with each other. See #GUID-F5C72733-1BA4-4901-9CAD-0A5CD0D58666. When an organization is a member of an association, organization users can use the VMware Cloud Director Tenant Portal to access organization assets at any member site, although each member organization and its assets are local to the site it occupies.
The sites must be with the same VMware Cloud Director API version, or one major version apart. For example, you can associate a VMware Cloud Director 10.1 (API version 34.0) site with a VMware Cloud Director site version 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 or 10.2.2, respectively API versions 33.0, 34.0, 35.0, or 35.2.
After you associate two sites, you can use the VMware Cloud Director API or the VMware Cloud Director Tenant Portal to associate organizations that occupy those sites. See the VMware Cloud Director API Programming Guide or the Configure and Manage Multisite Deployments topic in the VMware Cloud Director Tenant Guide.
A site or organization can form an unlimited number of associations with a peer, but each association includes exactly two members. Each site or organization must have its own private key. Association members establish a trust relationship by exchanging public keys, which are used to verify signed requests from one member to another.
Each site in an association is defined by the scope of a VMware Cloud Director server group (a group of servers that share a VMware Cloud Director database). Each organization in an association occupies a single site. The organization administrator controls access by organization users and groups to assets at each member site.
Site Objects and Site Associations
The installation or upgrade process creates a Site object that represents the local VMware Cloud Director server group. A system administrator whose authority extends to more than one VMware Cloud Director server group can configure those server groups as an association of VMware Cloud Director sites.
Site Names
GET ... <Site name="b5920690-fe13-4c31-8e23-9e86005e7a7b" ...> ... <RestEndpoint></RestEndpoint> <RestEndpointCertificate>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDDTCCAfWgAwIBAgI...Ix0eSE= -----END CERTIFICATE----- </RestEndpointCertificate> ... </Site>While there is no requirement that the site name matches the hostname in the API endpoint, a system administrator can update the site name as an administrative convenience for VMware Cloud Director API users, with a request like this one:
PUT content-type: application/ ... <Site name="Site-B" ...> ... <RestEndpoint></RestEndpoint> <RestEndpointCertificate>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDDTCCAfWgAwIBAgI...Ix0eSE= -----END CERTIFICATE----- </RestEndpointCertificate> ... </Site>The Site element in the request body must retain the formatting in which it was returned by the
GET .../site
request. Additional characters, particularly carriage-returns, line feeds, or spaces, before or after the certificates can cause the system to return a bad request exception.
Associations of Organizations
Authorization Headers and Request Fanout
The Session response to a successful login request includes an X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN header whose value is an encoded key that you can use, and the value of the X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-TOKEN-TYPE header, to construct a JWT Authorization header to include in subsequent requests in place of the deprecated x-vcloud-authorization header, which does not authenticate you to association members. See Create a VMware Cloud Director API Session for more information about logging in to the VMware Cloud Director API.
You can make requests that fan out to multiple association members by specifying the multisite=value pair in the Accept header. If you want the request to fan out, the value can be global or a colon-separated list of location IDs. For information about obtaining the location IDs, see Authorized Locations. When you set the value to local, the request does not fan out but includes multisite metadata included on fan-out.
Accept: application/*;version=30.0;multisite=global
You can specify a colon-separated list of location IDs, for example, multisite=ID-a:ID-b:ID-x. Unless you include this value in the Accept header, the request returns only those resources owned by the organization that is the target of the request. Unless you are making a request to the same organization that you authenticated to, you must also include a X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-AUTH-CONTEXT header that specifies the name of the organization that will fulfill your request.
- rel="fanout:failed"
- Member status was ACTIVE but authentication at the member failed for some other reason.
- rel="fanout:skipped"
- Authentication at the member was skipped because the association status was ASYMMETRIC or UNREACHABLE.
Authorized Locations
- and are associated.
- The user logs in to Site-A as a system administrator.
POST Authorization: Basic ... Accept: application/*;version=30.0 ...
200 OK ... X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9....Rn4Xw X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-TOKEN-TYPE: Bearer Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.session+xml;version=30.0;multisite=global ... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Session ... ... <AuthorizedLocations> <Location> <LocationId>a93c9db9-7471-3192-8d09-a8f7eeda85f9@9a41... </LocationId> <SiteName>Site-A</SiteName> <OrgName>System</OrgName> <RestApiEndpoint> </RestApiEndpoint> <UIEndpoint> </UIEndpoint> <AuthContext>System</AuthContext> </Location> <Location> <LocationId>a93c9db9-7471-3192-8d09-a8f7eeda85f9@4f56... </LocationId> <SiteName>Site-B</SiteName> <OrgName>System</OrgName> <RestApiEndpoint> </RestApiEndpoint> <UIEndpoint> </UIEndpoint> <AuthContext>System</AuthContext> </Location> </AuthorizedLocations> </Session>
User and Group Identities
Associations of sites and organizations must agree to use the same identity provider (IDP). User and group identities for all organizations in the association must be managed through this IDP.
Associations are free to choose the IDP that works best for them. See #GUID-3326986B-931C-4FDE-AF47-D5A863191072.
Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1, service accounts can manage and monitor multiple, geographically distributed VMware Cloud Director installations or server groups and their organizations as single entities by using the multisite feature. If a service account is making a request to a different organization from the one that it is authenticated to, verify that the service account exists on the associated organization and that it has the same name and software ID. See #GUID-8CD3C8BE-3187-4769-B960-3E3315492C16.
Site Access Control for Organization Users and Groups
Organization administrators can configure their IDP to generate user or group access tokens that are valid at all member sites, or valid at only a subset of member sites. While user and group identities must be the same in all member organizations, user and group rights are constrained by the roles those users and groups are assigned in each member organization. Assignment of a role to a user or group is local to a member organization, as are any custom roles you create.
Load Balancer Requirements
Effective implementation of a multisite deployment requires you to configure a load balancer that distributes requests arriving at an institutional endpoint such as to the endpoints for each member of the site association (for example, and If a site has more than one cell, you must also configure a load balancer that distributes incoming requests across all its cells, so that a request to can be handled by,, and so on.
Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.3, all client requests that arrive at the load-balancing endpoint for a multisite deployment are redirected. When a request arrives at the load-balancing endpoint, even if the site where the request arrives is the correct one, a redirect is issued and reflected in the user-visible URL to specify that the request was directed to the correct location.
For example, you can have a deployment consisting of two sites - and - behind a global load-balancing endpoint Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.3, when a request arrives at the load-balancing endpoint for an organization that is located at site 1 -, if the request lands at site 1, then site issues a redirect to itself by forwarding the request to VMware Cloud Director 10.2.x and earlier versions do not issue redirects when a load balancer receives a request for an organization that is located at the same place and the request is serviced through the public endpoint's URL
Network Connectivity Requirements
If you want to use the multisite feature, each cell at each site must be able to make REST API requests to the REST API endpoints of all sites. If you use the examples from the Load Balancer Requirements section, and must be able to reach the REST API endpoint for The reverse is true for all cells under This means that a cell must also be able to make REST API calls to it's own REST API endpoint, so must be able to make a REST API call to
Making REST API requests to the REST API endpoints of all sites is necessary for of REST API fanout. For example, if the UI or an API client makes a multisite request to get a page of organizations from all sites and handle the request. The cell cell1
must make a REST API call to get a page of organizations from each site using the REST API endpoint configured for that site. When all sites return their page of organizations, cell1
collates the results and returns a single page of results containing the data from all other sites.
Sites and Certificates
When a site is associated with other sites, if you update its certificate, you might have to let the other sites know of the change. If you do not let the other sites know about the certificate change, the multisite fanout might be impacted.
If you are replacing a certificate on a site with a valid, well-signed certificate, then you do not need to inform the other sites. Because the certificate is valid and well-signed, the cells at the other sites can continue connecting to it in a secure manner without interruption.
Association Member Status
- The association has been established by both parties, and communication with the remote party was successful.
- The association has been established at the local site, but the remote site has not yet reciprocated.
- An association has been created by both parties, but the remote site is not currently reachable on the network.
In the Service Provider Admin Portal and Tenant Portal the statuses appear as Connected
, Partially Connected
, and Unreachable
The member status "heartbeat" process runs with the identity of the multisite system user, a local VMware Cloud Director user account created in the System organization during VMware Cloud Director installation. Although this account is a member of the System organization, it does not have system administrator rights. It has only a single right, Multisite: System Operations
, which gives it permission to make a VMware Cloud Director API request that retrieves the status of the remote member of a site association.