An organization administrator in an organization that has permission to publish externally can update an existing catalog to make its contents available to external consumers on a subscription basis.

Organizations that are permitted to publish externally can enable any of their local catalogs for external publication. A catalog that is enabled for external publication becomes accessible at a URL assigned by the system, and can be protected by a password. A catalog in another instance of VMware Cloud Director can subscribe to an externally published catalog and maintain an up-to-date set of catalog items. See Synchronization.


  • This operation requires the rights included in the predefined Catalog Author role or an equivalent set of rights.

  • Verify that your organization has permission to publish externally.
    Verify that the OrgGeneralSettings in the AdminOrg element that represents your organization has a CanPublishExternally element with a value of true.
  • Verify that the catalog you want to enable for external publication does not have an external subscription.


  1. In the admin view, retrieve the XML representation of the catalog.
    Use a request like this one:
  2. Examine the AdminCatalog element to find the publishToExternalOrganizations link it contains.
    This link has the following form:
       href="" />
  3. Create a PublishExternalCatalogParams element.
  4. POST the PublishExternalCatalogParams element to the publishToExternalOrganizations URL.

Example: Publish an Existing Catalog

This request updates the catalog created in Create a Catalog to publish it externally.

Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.publishExternalCatalogparams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
204 No Content