Every vApp contains a vApp network. Virtual machines in the vApp connect to this network, which can be isolated from other networks or connected to an organization VDC network.

A vApp network is a logical network that controls how the virtual machines in a vApp connect to each other and to organization VDC networks. You create a vApp network when you make an instantiateVAppTemplate, composeVApp, recomposeVApp, or instantiateOvf request. The network is created when the vApp is deployed, and deleted when the vApp is undeployed. All nonisolated virtual machines in the vApp connect to a vApp network, as specified in their NetworkConnectionSection elements.

Every VApp element includes a link that you can use to retrieve details of its vApp network.
   href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/94 />
A GET request to this link returns a read-only VAppNetwork element with the configuration specified in the InstantiationParams used when the vApp was created or composed. To modify an existing vApp network, retrieve its NetworkConfigSection and use the edit link it contains, as shown in Update a vApp Network Configuration.

vApp Network Configurations

The configuration of a vApp network, represented by a NetworkConfig element contained in the NetworkConfigSection of your InstantiationParams, includes the following information

  • A name for the network, specified in the networkName attribute of the NetworkConfig element. The instantiation parameters must create a vApp network whose name matches the value of the network attribute of the NetworkConnection of each Vm element in the template. If this attribute has the value none or is missing, the Vm can connect to any network. If the template contains Vm elements that specify different names for their network connections, you must create a vApp network for each.

    When you create a vApp network where the FenceMode is bridged, the networkName of the vApp network must match the name of the ParentNetwork. This requirement is enforced by the composeVapp operation. The instantiateVappTemplate operation automatically corrects a name mismatch by changing the value of the network attribute in the NetworkConnection element of the VApp.

  • A Configuration element that specifies network configuration details.
    • For routed and directly connected networks, the ParentNetwork element contains a reference to the organization VDC network that the vApp network connects to. The FenceMode element controls how the two networks connect. Specify a FenceMode of bridged for a direct connection to the parent network, or natRouted to specify a routed connection controlled by network Features such as a NatService or FirewallService. If you want the organization network to be isolated, with no external connection, omit the ParentNetwork element and specify the FenceMode as isolated.
    • The Features element defines network services, such as DHCP, firewall, network address translation, and static routing, provided to virtual machines in the vApp.
    • Additional modifiable elements like IpScopes and RetainNetInfoAcrossDeployments, and read-only elements such as SyslogServerSettings and RouterInfo. For more information about the type and scope of these elements, see the schema reference.
  • Network pool resources required by an isolated or natRouted vApp network are allocated by the system from the pool associated with the VDC in which the vApp is deployed.