When adding a VDC to an organization, a system administrator can specify one or more resource pools that are available in the supporting Provider VDC. When the VDC is created, the specified resource pools are said to have been adopted by the VDC. Any vCenter VMs that exist in an adopted resource pool become available as discovered vApps in the new VDC.
When you create an organization VDC without specifying a resource pool, the system creates the VDC using the default resource pool of the specified Provider VDC. Before creating an organization VDC, you can query a Provider VDC to get a list of all resource pools that are candidates for adoption by the new VDC. If any resource pools contain VMs created in vCenter that your organization would like to access in a VDC, specify those pools when you create the VDC. vCenter VMs in the specified pools appear in the new VDC as discovered vApps and are candidates for adoption.
This operation is restricted to system administrators.
Example: Add a VDC With an Adopted Resource Pool to an Organization
This example modifies the request shown in Create an Organization VDC with Pay As You Go Reservation Allocation Model to add a ResourcePoolRefs element that specifies the resource pool identified in Step 3.
POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/vdcsparams Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.createVdcParams+xml ... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CreateVdcParams name="org26vdc1" xmlns:vmext="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5" xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"> <Description>Example VDC</Description> <AllocationModel>AllocationVApp</AllocationModel> <ComputeCapacity> <Cpu> <Units>MHz</Units> <Allocated>2048</Allocated> <Limit>2048</Limit> </Cpu> <Memory> <Units>MB</Units> <Allocated>2048</Allocated> <Limit>2048</Limit> </Memory> </ComputeCapacity> <NicQuota>0</NicQuota> <NetworkQuota>100</NetworkQuota> <VdcStorageProfile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <Units>MB</Units> <Limit>20480</Limit> <Default>true</Default> <ProviderVdcStorageProfile href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/pvdcStorageProfile/101" /> </VdcStorageProfile> <ResourceGuaranteedMemory>1</ResourceGuaranteedMemory> <ResourceGuaranteedCpu>1</ResourceGuaranteedCpu> <VCpuInMhz>2048</VCpuInMhz> <IsThinProvision>false</IsThinProvision> <NetworkPoolReference href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/313"/> <ProviderVdcReference name="Main Provider" href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/providervdc/35" /> <ResourcePoolRefs> <vmext:VimObjectRef > <vmext:VimServerRef href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/36" name="VC" type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwvirtualcenter+xml"/> <vmext:MoRef>resgroup-70</vmext:MoRef> <vmext:VimObjectType>RESOURCE_POOL</vmext:VimObjectType> </vmext:VimObjectRef> </ResourcePoolRefs> <UsesFastProvisioning>true</UsesFastProvisioning> </CreateVdcParams>