In VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal, you can execute VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator workflows as imported services.


  1. From the primary left navigation panel, select Libraries.
    1. From the secondary left panel, select Service Library.
    Available services display in a card view of 12 items per page, sorted by names in alphabetical order. Each card indicates that the item is a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator workflow and shows the name of the service and a tag that corresponds to the service category, in which the workflow is imported.
  2. To execute a service, in the card of the selected service, click Execute.
    The Execute a service wizard appears.
  3. Fill in the required input parameters of the service and click Finish.


You can monitor the status of the execution in the Recent Tasks view. For more information, see View Tasks in Your VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal.

Note: When you start a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator workflow as a VMware Cloud Director service, VMware Cloud Director adds a few custom parameters to the workflow execution context.
Custom Property Description
_vcd_orgName Name of the organization, to which the user who executes the service belongs.
_vcd_orgId ID of organization, to which the user who executes the service belongs.
_vcd_userName Name of the user who executes the service.
_vcd_isAdmin Has value True if the user who executes the service is an administrator.
_vdc_isAdmin Deprecated. Has value True if the user who executes the service is an administrator.
_vdc_userName Deprecated. Name of the user who executes the service.
_vcd_sessionToken Authentication token you received after successful authentication to VMware Cloud Director
_vcd_apiEndpoint VMware Cloud Director REST API endpoint