If a datastore is distributed, you can see a list of the peers that the datastore is connected to.


  1. Configure a distributed datastore in vCenter.
  2. Verify that your VMware Cloud Director deployment has at least one distributed datastore.
    1. Log in to the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal.
    2. From the secondary left panel, select Storage Containers.
    3. Verify that the system recognizes your datastore as distributed, view the Distributed and Distribution Health columns.

      A distributed datastore must have a check mark under Distributed and status Healthy under Distribution Health. VMware Cloud Director considers a datastore to be unhealthy if no heartbeat was received for more than a set amount of time. You can configure the period by using config scan-distributed-datastore-heartbeat.timeout.seconds.


  1. On the Storage Containers page, click the name of the datastore.
  2. From the page-level left navigation panel, select Peers.


The Peers page provides information about the sites with which the datastore is connected to and details about the last received heartbeats from the peers.