In VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal, you can configure how an organization shares its service catalogs.

Note: In previous VMware Cloud Director versions, deactivating the Share catalogs with other organizations option does not stop the sharing of affected catalogs. After an upgrade to VMware Cloud Director 10.6, such catalogs continue to be shared despite the option being deactivated.


  1. Open the list of VMware Cloud Director organizations.
    1. From the primary left navigation panel, select Resources.
    2. From the page top navigation bar, select Cloud Resources.
    3. From the secondary left panel, select Organizations.
    The list of existing organizations displays in a grid view. If your environment has sub-providers, you can use the Managed By column to see who manages the organizations in the list.
  2. Select an organization, and under the Configure tab, select Catalog.
  3. To change the sharing and publishing settings, click Edit.
    Option Description
    Share catalogs with other organizations Allows organization administrators to share this organization's catalogs with other organizations in this instance of VMware Cloud Director. If you do not select this option, organization administrators can still share catalogs within the organization.
    Share catalogs with managed organizations Allows sub-provider administrators to share this organization's catalogs with the organizations they manage in this instance of VMware Cloud Director. If you do not select this option, sub-provider administrators can still share catalogs within the organization.
    Publish external catalogs Allows organization administrators to publish catalogs to organizations outside of this instance of VMware Cloud Director.
    Subscribe to external catalogs Allows organization administrators to subscribe to catalogs outside of this instance of VMware Cloud Director.
  4. For the changes to take effect, log out of VMware Cloud Director and log in again.