In the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal, you can edit some of the settings of your Solution Add-On Landing Zone after its initial configuration.
Changing some of the settings of your Solution Add-On Landing Zone might require additional steps. For example, selecting another catalog to use in the Solution Add-On Landing Zone does not affect the solution add-ons that you already installed, but prevents you from running day-2 operations on them. To ensure that you can run day-2 operations on the add-ons that are already installed after selecting a new catalog, you must
reupload the missing .iso files.
- From the primary left navigation panel, under More, select Solution Add-On Management.
- Click Configure Landing Zone.
- Change the catalog where you store the .iso files for you solution add-ons.
- Click Edit.
- From the drop-down menu, select a new catalog and click Save.
- Include an organization VDC in the Solution Add-On Landing Zone.
- Click Include VDC.
- From the drop-down menu, select an organization VDC to include in the landing zone.
- Click the Network tab and select at least one organization VDC network for your solution add-ons.
- To add a new network, click Add Network and select an organization VDC network from the list.
- Click the Compute Policies tab and select a compute policy for the solution add-ons.
- Click the Storage Policies tab and select at least one storage policy.
- Click Include.
- Modify the settings of a participating organization VDC.
- On the left of the organization VDC name, click the vertical ellipsis , and click Configure.
- To add a new organization VDC network, click Add Network and select an organization VDC network from the list.
- Click the Compute Policies tab and select a new compute policy for the solution add-ons.
- Click the Storage Policies tab and select at least one storage policy for the solution add-ons.
- Click Save.
- Change the default VDC of the Solution Add-On Landing Zone.
If you have more than one organization VDC participating in your Solution Add-On Landing Zone, you can change the default VDC. After the change, all new solution add-ons deploy in the new default VDC unless a solution add-on needs specific capabilities which are satisfied by another VDC.
- On the left of the name of the organization VDC that you want to set as default, click the vertical ellipsis , and click Make Default.
- To exclude an organization VDC from the Solution Add-On Landing Zone, click the vertical ellipsis , and click Exclude.