In the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal, you can edit some of the settings of your Solution Add-On Landing Zone after its initial configuration.

Changing some of the settings of your Solution Add-On Landing Zone might require additional steps. For example, selecting another catalog to use in the Solution Add-On Landing Zone does not affect the solution add-ons that you already installed, but prevents you from running day-2 operations on them. To ensure that you can run day-2 operations on the add-ons that are already installed after selecting a new catalog, you must reupload the missing .iso files.


  1. From the primary left navigation panel, under More, select Solution Add-On Management.
  2. Click Configure Landing Zone.
  3. Change the catalog where you store the .iso files for you solution add-ons.
    1. Click Edit.
    2. From the drop-down menu, select a new catalog and click Save.
  4. Include an organization VDC in the Solution Add-On Landing Zone.
    1. Click Include VDC.
    2. From the drop-down menu, select an organization VDC to include in the landing zone.
    3. Click the Network tab and select at least one organization VDC network for your solution add-ons.
    4. To add a new network, click Add Network and select an organization VDC network from the list.
    5. Click the Compute Policies tab and select a compute policy for the solution add-ons.
    6. Click the Storage Policies tab and select at least one storage policy.
    7. Click Include.
  5. Modify the settings of a participating organization VDC.
    1. On the left of the organization VDC name, click the vertical ellipsis , and click Configure.
    2. To add a new organization VDC network, click Add Network and select an organization VDC network from the list.
    3. Click the Compute Policies tab and select a new compute policy for the solution add-ons.
    4. Click the Storage Policies tab and select at least one storage policy for the solution add-ons.
    5. Click Save.
  6. Change the default VDC of the Solution Add-On Landing Zone.
    If you have more than one organization VDC participating in your Solution Add-On Landing Zone, you can change the default VDC. After the change, all new solution add-ons deploy in the new default VDC unless a solution add-on needs specific capabilities which are satisfied by another VDC.
    1. On the left of the name of the organization VDC that you want to set as default, click the vertical ellipsis , and click Make Default.
  7. To exclude an organization VDC from the Solution Add-On Landing Zone, click the vertical ellipsis , and click Exclude.