In VMware Cloud Director, you can create endpoints that administrators and tenants can use to access the underlying vSphere environment.

Endpoints must be attached to dedicated vCenter instances and are visible to the tenants from the Actions menu of the dedicated vCenter instances. If you enable the tenant access when you add a vCenter instance to VMware Cloud Director, VMware Cloud Director creates a default endpoint with the vCenter instance URL as a target URL. If you create additional endpoints, you can change the default one.

Endpoints can serve as links between dedicated vCenter instances and proxies. Endpoints can have a connection to one proxy or they might not have a proxy connection. If an endpoint is connected to a proxy, the target of the endpoint is the target URL, not the UI URL of the connected proxy.


Verify that the vCenter instance for which you want to create endpoints has enabled tenant access. See Enable the Tenant Access of an Attached vCenter in VMware Cloud Director.


  1. From the primary left navigation panel, select Resources, and from the page top navigation bar, select Infrastructure Resources.
  2. From the secondary left panel, select vCenter Server Instances.
  3. Select a vCenter instance.
  4. On the page with detailed vCenter information, click the Endpoints tab and click New.
  5. Enter a name and a target URL for the endpoint.
  6. (Optional) Make this endpoint the default endpoint for this vCenter instance.
  7. (Optional) Make a connection to a proxy.
  8. Click Save.

What to do next

  • Edit the endpoint settings.
  • Delete an endpoint. If you want to delete the default endpoint, you must select another one as the default.