Cloud resources are an abstraction of their underlying vSphere resources and provide the compute and memory resources for VMware Cloud Director virtual machines and vApps, and access to storage and network connectivity.

Cloud resources include cloud cells, provider and organization virtual data centers, external networks, organization virtual data center networks, and network pools. Before you can add cloud resources to VMware Cloud Director, you must add vSphere resources.

For information about organization virtual data centers, see Managing Organization Virtual Data Centers in VMware Cloud Director.

For information about organization virtual data center networks, see the Managing Organization Virtual Data Center Networks chapter in the VMware Cloud Director Sub-Provider and Tenant Guide.

The SDDC or dedicated vCenter instance as a cloud resource in VMware Cloud Director encapsulates an entire vCenter installation. The provider can create and enable a dedicated vCenter, publish it to tenants, and create and enable proxies to different components of the underlying vSphere environment. To create, publish to tenants, and manage dedicated vCenter instances and proxies, you can use the Service Provider Admin Portal or VMware Cloud Director OpenAPI. See Managing Dedicated vCenter Instances in VMware Cloud Director or Getting Started with VMware Cloud Director OpenAPI.

For information on managing networking resources, see Managing Cloud Networking Resources in the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal.