To forward DNS queries to external DNS servers, configure a DNS forwarder.

As part of your DNS forwarder service configuration, you can also add conditional forwarder zones. A conditional forwarder zone is configured as a list containing up to five FQDN DNS zones. If a DNS query matches a domain name from that list, the query is forwarded to the servers from the corresponding forwarder zone.


  1. From the primary left navigation panel, select Resources, and from the page top navigation bar, select Cloud Resources.
  2. From the secondary left panel, select Edge Gateways.
  3. Click the edge gateway and, under IP Management, click DNS.
  4. In the DNS Forwarder section, click Edit.
  5. To enable the DNS Forwarder service, turn on the State toggle.
  6. Enter a name and, optionally, a description for the default DNS zone.
  7. Enter one or more upstream server IP addresses, separated by a comma.
  8. Click Save.
  9. (Optional) Add a conditional forwarder zone.
    1. In the Conditional Forwarder Zone section, click Add.
    2. Enter a name for the forwarder zone.
    3. Enter one or more upstream server IP addresses, separated by a comma.
    4. Enter one or more domain names, separated by a comma, and click Save.