To enable quiescing for Linux VM snapshots, you must create custom quiescing scripts to run pre-freeze and post-thaw commands.


Prerequisites for custom quiescing scripts on Linux VMs are as follows:
  • The scripts have to be created in the /etc/vmware-tools/backupScripts.d directory on Linux VMs. (This directory does not exist by default, so you must create it.)
  • The directory can contain one script or multiple scripts that are executed in sequence. The filenames of the scripts affect the execution order (for example,, then
  • Each script must be able to handle freeze, freezeFail and thaw arguments passed by VMware Tools during the different phases.
  • VMware Tools version 10.2 or higher must be installed on the VMs.

Example Script

This is an example script written to support quiescing for a Linux VM running a PostgreSQL database.

if [[ $1 == "freeze" ]]
        # set log directory
        # set and log start date
        today=`date +%Y\/%m\/%d\ %H:%M:%S`
        echo "${today}: Start of creation consistent state" >> ${log}
        # execute freeze command.
        # This command can be modified as per the database command
        cmd="echo \"SELECT pg_start_backup('${today}', true);\" | sudo -i -u postgres psql >> ${log} 2>&1"
        eval ${cmd}
        # set and log end date
        today=`date +%Y\/%m\/%d\ %H:%M:%S`
        echo "${today}: Finished freeze script" >> ${log}
elif [[ $1 == "thaw" ]]
        echo "This section is executed when the Snapshot is removed"
        # set and log start date
        today=`date +%Y\/%m\/%d\ %H:%M:%S`
        echo "${today}: Release of backup" >> ${log}
        # execute release command
        cmd="echo \"SELECT pg_stop_backup();\" | sudo -i -u postgres psql >> ${log} 2>&1"
        eval ${cmd}
        # set and log end date
        today=`date +%Y\/%m\/%d\ %H:%M:%S`
        echo "${today}: Finished thaw script" >> ${log}
elif [[ $1 == "freezeFail" ]]
        echo "This section is executed when the Quiescing Fails."
        echo "No argument was provided"