VMware Cloud Flex Storage is a Storage-as-a-Service offering for VMware Cloud on AWS that provides the ability to provision and scale storage independently of their SDDC hosts.

VMware Cloud Flex Storage is fully VMware-managed and natively integrated, so you can cost-effectively supplement your capacity needs rather than purchasing additional SDDC hosts.

VMware Cloud Flex Storage (sometimes referred to informally as VMC FS) provides disaggregated cloud storage for non-mission critical applications, such as file servers, analytics, and lower-tier databases. Disaggregated storage provides the performance of local storage with the flexibility of storage area networks.

VMware Cloud Flex Storage overview diagram

Learn About Some of Our Features

Central to VMware Cloud Flex Storage is the Scale-Out Cloud Filesystem (SCFS), a multi-purpose software-defined storage platform that is built on cloud native abstractions.

The filesystem uses a 2-tier architecture that leverages a flash cache tier for performance and a highly durable capacity tier backed by AWS S3. This 2-tier design allows for independent scaling of performance (IOPS) and capacity. Compute (hypervisor hosts) can also be scaled independently since storage is disaggregated.

The SCFS has built-in data management foundations along with data encryption, data resiliency, and data integrity features that are always on by default.

To get a high level overview of VMware Cloud Flex Storage and understand its value, watch this video:

Learn More About VMware Cloud Flex Storage

To learn about VMware Cloud Flex Storage, see the following resources.

  • Learn more about VMware Cloud Flex Storage by visiting the product page.
  • Read about the underlying technology powering VMware Cloud Flex Storage from VMware technologist Sazalla Ready at his blog.
  • Visit the VMware Cloud Community Blog and read latest technical how-to’s, updates, and announcements from VMware Cloud.