You can manually change the password for a selected domain account. Unlike password rotation, which generates a randomized password, you provide the new password.

You can modify only one password at a time.


  • Verify that there are no currently failed workflows in your Cloud Foundation system. To check for failed workflows, click Dashboard in the navigation pane and expand the Tasks pane at the bottom of the page.
  • Verify that no active workflows are running or are scheduled to run during the manual password update.
  • Configure the privileged user. For more information, see Configure Dual Authentication.


  1. From the navigation pane, choose Administration > Security > Password Management.

    The Password Management page displays a table with detailed information about all domains, including their component, credential type, FQDN, IP address, and user name. This table is dynamic. Each column can be sorted.

    You can click the filter icon next to the table header and filter the results by a string value. For example, click this icon next to User Name and enter admin to display only domains with that user name value.

  2. Select the domain entity whose password you want to update and click Update at the top of the page.

    If you select more than one domain, the Update button is unavailable (dimmed).

    The Update Password dialog box appears. This dialog box also displays the entity name, credential type, user name, privileged user name, privileged password in case you need to confirm you have selected the correct domain. Enter the values for all these fields.
  3. Enter the privileged username and privileged password.
  4. Enter and confirm the new password.
    If the passwords, do not match, the dialog displays a red alert.
  5. Click Update.

    A message appears at the top of the page showing the progress of the operation. The Tasks panel also shows detailed status of the password update operation. Click on the task name to view sub-tasks.

    If the Tasks panel shows the task as having failed, click Retry.


Password update is compete when all sub-tasks are completed successfully.