At the Review step of the wizard, review the information about the workload domain and start the creation workflow. You can also print the information or download a printable version to print later. It can take up to two hours for the domain to be created.
The Review page displays information about the resources and their configurations that will be deployed when the workflow creates and deploys the virtual infrastructure for this workload domain.
The hosts that will be added to the workload domain are listed along with information such as the network pool they belong to, memory, CPU, and so on.
The default end-state for an NSX-T workload domain includes a network fabric with the following configuration
- two transport zones (one for VLAN and one for overlay) for each host
- NIOC and uplink profiles
- four logical switches (one each for management, vSAN, vMotion, and overlay
- Some empty vDS and portgroups
Do not edit or delete these.
What to do next
Enable vRealize Log Insight logging for the workload domain (if not done already).
You must deploy and configure NSX-T Edge nodes manually. See Deploy and Configure NSX Edges in Cloud Foundation.