You need to retrieve the Operations Manager SSH key to log in to the Operations Manager appliance.
- Retrieve the solution ID of the Enterprise PKS workload domain in one of the following ways.
- SDDC Manager Dashboard
- In the navigation bar, click Workload Domains.
- In the PKS section, click Details.
- Click the link for the appropriate PKS domain and copy the solution ID from the link. An example link is as follows:
https://sddc-manager /ui/sddc-manager/inventory/domains/pks-domains/d695d9a0-fe5f-4efb-ac3c-ff6b09f44a5b(monitoring-panel:monitoring/tasks}
The solution ID in this link is d695d9a0-fe5f-4efb-ac3c-ff6b09f44a5b.
- SDDC Manager console
- Using SSH, log in to the SDDC Manager VM with the following credentials:
Username: vcf
Password: use the password specified in the deployment parameter sheet
- Run the following command.
curl localhost/solutions/discovery/pkssolutions [ { "solutionId": "d695d9a0-fe5f-4efb-ac3c-ff6b09f44a5b", "domainId": "3530679c-b49a-4d0e-9873-163fe8e2b015", "pksVersion": "1.7.0-build.26", "harborVersion": "1.10.1-build.7", "clusters": [ { "name": "my-cluster", "pksVersion": "1.7.0-build.26", "k8sVersion": "1.16.7", "state": "failed" } ] } ]
- Copy the value of the solutionId.
- Using SSH, log in to the SDDC Manager VM with the following credentials:
- SDDC Manager Dashboard
- Retrieve the Operations Manager SSH key for the solution.
curl localhost/solutions/discovery/1ef0af79-3de1-41a1-b846-b471d5bd3bb4/opsmanagersshkey | jq -r '.sshKey' > opsmanagerssh.key
- Connect to the Operations Manager appliance using the key you retrieved in step 2.
ssh -i opsmanagerssh.key [email protected]