If you do not have internet connectivity in your VMware Cloud Foundation system, you can use the Bundle Transfer Utility to manually download the latest bundles from the depot to your local computer and then upload them to SDDC Manager.


This section applies to sequential upgrades only. To download bundles for a skip-level upgrade, see VMware Cloud Foundation on VxRail Skip-Level Upgrade.

A Windows or Linux computer with Java 8 or later and internet connectivity for downloading the bundles.

Note: The Bundle Transfer Utility & Skip Level Upgrade Tool is the only supported method for downloading bundles. Do not use third-party tools or other methods to download bundles.


  1. Download the Bundle Transfer Utility & Skip Level Upgrade Tool to the computer with internet access.
    1. Log in to My VMware and browse to the Download VMware Cloud Foundation page.
    2. In the Select Version field, select the version to which you are upgrading.
    3. Click Drivers & Tools.
    4. Expand VMware Cloud Foundation Tools and click Go To Downloads.
    5. Click Download Now for the Bundle Transfer Utility & Skip Level Upgrade Tool.
  2. Extract lcm-tools-3x-<build number>.tar.gz.
  3. Navigate to the extracted folder and confirm that you have execute permission on all folders.
  4. Get the VMware Cloud Foundation bundles.
    1. On the computer with internet access, run the following command.
      lcm-bundle-transfer-util.bat --download "withCompatibilitySets" --outputDirectory absolute-path-output-dir --depotUser depotUser -p vcf_version
      absolute-path-output-dir Path to the directory where the bundle files are to be downloaded. For example, C:\vcf_offline.

      This directory folder must have 777 permissions. If you do not specify the download directory, bundles are downloaded to the default directory with 777 permissions.

      depotUser User name for My VMware depot. You are prompted to enter the depot user password. If there are any special characters in the password, specify the password within single quotes.
      vcf_version Version of VMware Cloud Foundation to which you are upgrading. For example,

      The utility displays a list of the update bundles available on the depot for the specified version of VMware Cloud Foundation.

    2. Enter y to download the bundles.
    3. After the bundles are downloaded, use WinSCP or a similar program, to copy the bundle directory to the /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount directory on the SDDC Manager VM.
    4. Log in to the SDDC Manager VM as the vcf user and enter su to switch to the root user.
    5. Change the ownership and permissions for the directory where you uploaded the bundles.
      For example:
      chown vcf_lcm:vcf -R /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vcf_offline 
      chmod -R 0777 /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vcf_offline
    6. Copy the softwareCompatibilitySets.json file to the proper location for import.
      For example:
      cp -p /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vcf_offline/softwareCompatibilitySets.json /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/depot/local/
    7. Navigate to /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools/bin and upload the bundle files to the internal LCM repository.
      For example:
      ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --upload "withCompatibilitySets" --bundleDirectory /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vcf_offline -p
  5. Get the VxRail Manager bundles.
    1. Using SSH, log in to the SDDC Manager VM with the user name vcf and password you specified in the deployment parameter sheet.
    2. Navigate to the /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools/bin directory.
    3. Generate a marker file by running the following command:
      ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --generateMarker
      The marker file ( markerFile) is a JSON file that contains information on the current software versions running on SDDC Manager. It also contains the bundle IDs for bundles that were downloaded before this file was generated. The markerFile.md5 contains the checksum for the markerFile. The output contains the directory where the marker file is generated. The marker file is used to determine the bundles required to upgrade VMware Cloud Foundation.
    4. Copy markerFile and markerFile.md5 to a computer with internet access.
    5. On the computer with internet access, navigate to the lcm-tools-3x-<build number>/bin directory.
    6. Download the VxRail Manager bundles.
      lcm-bundle-transfer-util.bat --download "downloadPartnerBundle" --outputDirectory absolute-path-output-dir --depotUser vmwaredepotUser --pdu emcdepotuser:emcdepotpassword --markerFile absolute-path-markerFile --markerMd5File absolute-path-markerFile.md5
      absolute-path-output-dir Path to the directory where the bundle files are to be downloaded. For example, C:\vxrail_offline.

      This directory folder must have 777 permissions. If you do not specify the download directory, bundles are downloaded to the default directory with 777 permissions.

      depotUser User name for My VMware depot. You are prompted to enter the depot user password. If there are any special characters in the password, specify the password within single quotes.
      emcdepotuser:emcdepotpassword User name and password for the Dell EMC depot.
      absolute-path-markerFile Absolute path to the marker file.
      absolute-path-markerFile.md5 Absolute path to the marker MD5 checksum file.

      The utility downloads partnerBundleMetadata.json and updates deltaFileDownloaded.

    7. Enter y to download the bundles.
    8. After the bundles are downloaded, use WinSCP or a similar program, to copy the output directory to the /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount directory on the SDDC Manager VM.
    9. Log in to the SDDC Manager VM as the vcf user and enter su to switch to the root user.
    10. Change the ownership and permissions for the directory where you uploaded the bundles.
      For example:
      chown vcf_lcm:vcf -R /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vxrail_offline 
      chmod -R 0777 /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vxrail_offline
    11. Copy the VxRail bundles to /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/depot/local/bundles.
      For example:
      cp –p /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vxrail_offline/bundles/*.zip /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/depot/local/bundles/
    12. Copy the softwareCompatibilitySets.json file to the proper location for import.
      For example:
      cp -p /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vxrail_offline/softwareCompatibilitySets.json /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/depot/local/
    13. Copy the partnerBundleMetadata.json file to the proper location for import.
      For example:
      cp –p /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vxrail_offline/partnerBundleMetadata.json /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/depot/local/
    14. Copy the deltaFileDownloaded and deltaFileDownloaded.md5 files to the proper location for import.
      For example:
      cp –p /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vxrail_offline/deltaFileDownloaded* /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/depot/local/bundles/
    15. Navigate to /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools/bin and upload the bundle files to the internal LCM repository.
      For example:
      ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --upload "uploadPartnerBundle" –-bundleDirectory /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vxrail_offline/
  6. Verify that the bundles are available in SDDC Manager.
    1. Log in to the the SDDC Manager Dashboard.
    2. Navigate to Repository > Download History.