The Horizon Domain summary page displays all Horizon domains in your environment with a summary of the basic capacity information. You can select a domain to view the domain details, download the configuration, or expand or delete the domain.


  1. On the SDDC Manager Dashboard, click Inventory > Workload Domain.
  2. In the Horizon area, click View Details.
    The summary page displays all Horizon domains and a summary of CPU, memory and storage usage.
  3. Click the name of a Horizon domain.
    The Horizon domain details page shows the status of the Horizon domain and the overall utilization summary for the domain. The Summary section displays the components of the Horizon domain (and their quantities).
  4. Click the appropriate tab to see more information about service VMs, VI workload domains, and configuration details.
    Tab Information Displayed
    Service VMs Links to the administration consoles for each of the components that are used to manage the domain and the IP address of the component VMs.
    VI Summary and links to the VI workload domains associated with the Horizon doman.
    Configuration Details Configuration details for the Horizon domain.