Three segments (one each for management, vMotion, and vSAN networks) are created in the VLAN transport zone by VMware Cloud Foundation during the NSX-T workload domain creation process. You must create additional segments manually for both Edge uplinks before deploying the Edge VMs to connect nodes that send VLAN and overlay traffic.


The table below lists sample names for segments you need to create as well as sample VLAN IDs.
Segment Name Transport Zone VLAN
sfo01-w-nvds01-uplink01 sfo01-esxi-vlan 0-4094
sfo01-w-nvds01-uplink02 sfo01-esxi-vlan 0-4094
sfo01-w-uplink01 sfo01-w-uplink01 1647
sfo01-w-uplink02 sfo01-w-uplink02 1648


  1. Log in to the NSX-T Manager UI with the admin user name and comnsx_admin_password.
  2. Navigate to Networking > Segments.
  3. On the Segments tab, click Add Segments.
  4. Create a segment with the following sample values.
    Setting Sample Value
    Segment Name sfo01-w-uplink01
    Connected Gateway & Type None
    Transport Zone sfo01-w-uplink01
    VLAN 1647
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each segment to be created.