Deleting an active Horizon domain may affect desktops or RDSH server users, so be careful when deleting a Horizon domain.

A Horizon domain consists of two parts:
  • VI desktop capacity in the VI workload domains
  • Horizon management infrastructure

When you delete a Horizon domain, the Horizon management components (load balancers, Connection Servers, Composer Servers, and deployed optional components) are deleted. However, VI workload domains associated with the Horizon domain are not deleted, and desktops and RDSH servers in those VI workload domains are not deleted.

If you want to delete desktops, data, and management components, delete the VI workload domains associated with the Horizon domain before following this procedure. For information on deleting VI workload domains, see Delete a VI Workload Domain.


  1. On the SDDC Manager Dashboard, click Inventory > Workload Domain.
  2. In the Horizon area, click View Details.
  3. Click icon next to the Horizon domain whose configuration you want to export and click Delete.
    The Delete Domain window appears.
  4. Type the name of the Horizon domain that you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete Domain.


If you deleted only the Horizon domain, the management components are deleted. Active Horizon sessions are interrupted and users will not be able to connect. The desktops and data are not deleted.

If you deleted the VI workload domains associated with the Horizon domain and the Horizon domain, all desktops, data, and management components are deleted.